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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Well, you do listen to stuff that's a little more left-of-field than the rest of us (and I say that purely with admiration). I mean, they're right in line with Garbage and Curve, if you like that sort of thing.
  2. #1 - Portishead, 3 I love the fact that this sounds nothing like previous Portishead, including any changes indirection that may or may not have been implied by the Beth Gibbons with Rustin Man record. I love the fact that it still sounds like the output of a band, had they gone in a completely different direction (which, in fact, it exactly is). I love the fact that it is still internally consistent. I love the fact that it experiments without falling flat on its face. I love the fact that it starts off with one of the most abrasive, in-your-face, "this is not your daddy's Portishead" declarations of independence songs I've ever heard...and then keeps the promise. But more importantly than any of that, I love the music. Yeah, it grates at times, but purposefully, and more importantly, they make it work. I haven't heard this "out there" "on a different plane than pretty much anything that has been released in recent memory" records since My Bloody Valentine's Loveless. Yes, it's really that good. #2 - Kaki King, Dreaming of Revenge -- there is just something repeatedly listenable about this album, unlike anything else I've heard this year. There have been some good songwriting and whatnot, but at a purely subconscious, to me level, this one resonates like none of the others do. Also, because of her background as primarily an instrumentalist, it's got great big swashes of instrumentals, which I love. I ended up liking this even more than ...Until We Felt Red, which, to me, was her 'difficult sophomore' album (even though it was her third album). I really think she found her stride with this one. #3 - Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band, 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons -- Speaking of departures, this sounds nothing like what I remember A Silver Mt. Zion sounding like, I need to go back and verify. Sounds like Isis meets ... oh, I don't know, A Silver Mt. Zion ... or something. ...more later...
  3. So...you're already familiar with Birthday Massacre? Or are they not alternative enough for you?
  4. Time Out SACD YMO ultimate collection SACD Golden Earring Naked III ("unplugged") SACD Khachaturian SACD Carmina Burana SACD Machine Head by Deep Purple SACD Murder License by Xinlisupreme CD
  5. Royalty card game, and a bunch of music
  6. Alright, I'll see what I can do but we may have to kill some time, is there anything you want to do for the afternoon, perhaps a museum exhibit? Or whut?
  7. Hey, I don't mean to be ignorant (yes, 'be', not 'seem'), but can you explain this to me? It's obviously two references -- one art, one cosplay -- to some character in some game, I just want to know which one. My knowledge of such starts and ends with Lara Croft/Tomb Raider.
  8. I moved this thread to "off topic", since it has nothing to do with group buys.
  9. Anyone know what this is? I'm interested mostly in the cover, as it's not one I've seen before. I doubt the item reflects the cover -- the item itself is probably just the regular CD of In a Silent Way, but the cover is interesting -- the Voight/Night (can't read) Collection/Edition? Is that a pic from a vinyl edition, or is there an actual CD that looks like that? And, what's special about it?
  10. I love a good oversized water-pik -style shower/watermassage. Man, nothing gets knots out like that.
  11. No, I can't, fuck you and the horses all of y'all rode in on.
  12. You haven't been doing shit democratically.
  13. Okay, Mr. my-way-or-the-highway. I didn't see Mike's choices being implemented in a fair and democratic fashion, so I took it upon myself. Remind me never to get involved with anything like this ever.
  14. It's not that dude. This is fucking Apple we're talking about. The reality distortion field is collapsing, this is catastrophic.
  15. I make anything look good. Wanker.
  16. What OS are you using, Chekhov? (<-- spellcheck recommended that as one of the alternatives to your name)
  17. How early and what airport?
  18. On a motorcycle?
  19. Include me in any PM's -- I'll probably be driving up at about that time, so it would be relatively easy for me to do a drive-by...pick-up, that is.
  20. Again, in English? I know you're trying to tell me something, boy, what is it? Did Timmy fall down in the well?
  21. It depends who does the posting. I already have all three of the "best bass headphone ever"'s. Also, the wallet is a dictator.
  22. I have a room reserved from July 2, 2005 to some time in the far distant future in the vicinity of Rockville, which conveniently centers around the specified dates.
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