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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Why is this crap still here -- I thought I deleted it?
  2. Works for me -- wish I had thought of that. Thanks!
  3. Moth Audio? Cary Audio? Granite Audio? There was one with a single tube that came in a cage without a front, I thought it was a Moth, but can't seem to find it. None of these fit your "cool" criteria, I don't think, though. AudioValve RKV w/Impedanzer?
  4. Like I said, I only just discovered Sam Kieth -- I love his highly stylized style. I only bought 1 of 6. Just so that I don't get everything at once, I do plan on getting the rest. And no, not really. I don't usually read superhero comics, this Batman is pushing it, even for me. So I'm mostly a Vertigo -type guy: Sandman, Preacher, Y: The Last Man, Fables, that sort of thing. Just getting around to Lucifer.
  5. Some comics: Batman: Harvest Breed Batman: Knightfall Part One: Broken Bat Batman: Knightfall Part Three: Knightsend Batman: Knightfall Part Two: Who Rules the Night Batman: War Drums Catwoman: Crooked Little Town Superman and Batman: World's Funnest Blood-Stained Sword Hipara the Little Vampire The Legend of Mother Sarah: Tunnel Town The Maxx 1 of 6 Mister X: The Definitive Collection 2 collecting all the catwoman trades (that should be the last of the current 8 that are available from the second series), some cross-section of the Batman ones, and discovering Sam Kieth (really liked his Ojo, read Batman: Secrets and really enjoyed that one as well, just found out it was done by the same person, decided to check out more of his material), catching up on some Ben Templesmith and Dave McKean related stuff (finally found Blood-Stained Sword!).
  6. Sesame seeds? Poppy seeds? Peanuts? Olives (compared to other fruit, is more earthy)? How about no?
  7. I suspect it was a different forum, I don't recall seeing it before, and I read "slow forum" pretty avidly.
  8. So, I was reading the Chopt dressing menu (pdf), and in the description of one of the salad dressings, it says:
  9. Fair enough -- I was going to wait and ask a question on the new board, but I'll ask it, and we'll otherwise wait and see. PS I think the "what are you eating now?" thread should also get moved there, if we make the split, since several posters talk about meals they prepare themselves.
  10. I'm thinking -- since we have so many people that know so much about food and whatnot -- that we should have a whole culinary sub-forum. And not sure, but maybe we should move drink in there, too. Anyone second the first? Thoughts on the second if so?
  11. Two moments are particularly amusing: the immobilizing disbelief @ 1:01 the facepalm @ 1:20
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCnAjel02lM
  13. What happened -- the box didn't make it back?
  14. Awesome pic with the second rainbow.
  15. What the fuck is that thing? And why does it have a propeller on it?
  16. Huggable? I don't really have anything to add here, I just wanted to jump on the "moderators can post in closed threads" bandwagon.
  17. Dude, just read around -- you'll get the hang of the place. It had nothing to do with your content or offending anyone, it has to do with your tone, it's rather egocentric and -- now that you've been called out on it -- whiney. "What did I do wrong?" is a sure way to find yourself on the wrong end of a time-out.
  18. I think your best bet is to make a playlist. The biggest problem that I've found is long introductions or outros or whatnot that ruin the "mood", so it's rare that entire albums work well as running music. I vaguely remember having to start on "Kinda I Want to", and setting it on loop, so that it would end on "Sanctified" so that I could skip "Something I Can Never Have".
  19. Caps-lock in the subject, for starters. Yes. Maybe. Nothing is forbidden that isn't forbidden elsewhere.
  20. Pretty much.
  21. Wouldn't know -- I don't drink coffee.
  22. Sam is deaf when it comes to headphones. There was a non-RSA product -- don't remember which one -- that I completely didn't agree with, either. He's like a newb that heard headphones for the first time.
  23. What, do you want him to trip?
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