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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. No, it's because the O))) part is a visual representation of the name. It's like having a picture of a...Britney Spears after the words "Britney Spears" -- you don't call her BritneySpearsBritneySpears then, do you? No, you just look at the picture. And then you move on.
  2. Conspicuous consumption -- he's being a patriotic American and stimulating the economy.
  3. The only LCD that I've been even remotely happy with is the Sharp Aquos. And I haven't heard the most positive things about the Panasonic, so am leaning towards the Samsung plasma, myself -- probably the 50A550. But I'm pretty much an LCD snob -- I hate most LCD's that I've seen. But even in the same line of stores (Belmont TV, a local chain), I've only seen them properly set up in one of them (the Laurel store). And I've been disappointed by the picture at Best Buy, too. The advice I've heard is, if you have complete control over how dark you can make the room (room darkening shades, or shutters, or something), then go plasma; otherwise go LCD. Oh, and if you're going to go LCD, look at response time (faster == better) and frequency (60 Hz is adequate, 120Hz would be even better, although IMHO unnecessary).
  4. Ump-bay. Considering purchasing ER-4s's, must know if these are the same/better. I've seen new er-4p's for not much more, albeit (a) on sale, and ( the 149 price on the hf5's are retail, but don't see them for less (new product, etc.). Although I probably won't be buying anything, so this is just window shopping. The "cobalt" and "ruby" options are pretty.
  5. Oh, well, kudos, then. Of course, I'm a city/suburban/exurban kid, so I go for station wagons, hatchbacks, and -- were I a true family man -- a minivan. But I guess with all your offroading out in the sticks, you need an SUV. (And yes, I've been to the sticks, so I know that I'm not kidding -- road repair is a joke in WV as well.)
  6. I really like that pattern.
  7. So I guess I should keep my comment about environment friendly vehicle to myself?
  8. Must...download...ASAP... I loved showing people that invisible dragon.
  9. Did Zoe Keating open for her there? What kind of music was it (as compared to Dresden Dolls)?
  10. apple care?
  11. DT770 Koss Pro 4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFONZIEAAAAAAAAAAA (Haven't heard the Koss for myself, but can speak for the DT770 -- tanks.)
  12. cavalry 1tb (I ran out of space again)
  13. MF A3.2, definitely. Or spring the extra 750 or so and get the A308. Whichever one you get, though, make sure it comes with the remote. I wonder how much the A1 FBP goes for? Or you could look around for the last X-PRE (v8?).
  14. I see a tripod -- maybe he/she just wants his/her picture taken.
  15. Western Digital quietly intros WD TV HD Media Player - Engadget So...who's going to be the first to try this and tell me how the internal DAC is? I want the same thing except with a digital audio out (will also help with the multi-channel situation, like ripped DTS tracks), and component and/or S-video. Or should I go iPod/iTransport (Wadia)? Or should I go laptop/external DAC?
  16. Ooh, ooh, ooh -- let me know how you like them, I've been tempted by one of those Audio Technica clip-ons for my late night walks. PS I have a techno jacket. There's nothing technological about it, but I bet I could get into a discotheque with it.
  17. Dusty Chalk

    True Blood

    But it's not about that...oh, alright, it's about that, but it's not just about that.
  18. as a matter of fact, I do have another cable I can try. I'll try the other cable, then I'll try the restore, then it's off to the apple store I go. I bought it as a refurb from apple.com -- isn't there a warranty?
  19. Dusty Chalk

    True Blood

    I love this show. It is following the books fairly closely, so if you're watching it expecting something akin to Buffy, or a vampire show, or an action show with a lot of sex and violence, then you'll be disappointed. It's pretty much about a hick town and the people in it, and I really like that about it. There's also a lot of little things about the show that I like, and I think I'm going to have to go back and watch Six Feet Under at least once. The episode where at the beginning they're playing some Tuvan throat singing, and it cuts off abruptly and the episode starts with them arguing, and somewhere in the middle of the argument she mentions crazy Chinese gargling, and he corrects her, and you realize that the soundtrack at the beginning of the show is what they were listening to in the car, and I just laughed. Because I get that kind of thing a lot, myself.
  20. Bifocals with a new prescription on the distance portion & prescription sunglasses
  21. I have to unplug and reattach my iPod to the Mac several times before it registers in iTunes -- is this a common problem, is there a fix for it, or should I send it back for a replacement? I'm worried about killing the battery. The Mac is at 10.5.5, iTunes is at 8.0.1 (12), and iPod is at 1.1.2 Mac. (And no, I don't plug it and unplug it willy-nilly -- I give it a chance to register every time. One time it even caused iTunes to stop responding, and I had to reboot the computer.)
  22. Yay, you finally got your amp!
  23. That's actually a rather famous photochop.
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