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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. What? No, I mean getting your own receiver. (Web access shouldn't be a function of where you are.) And: I have no idea.
  2. Nate -- have you thought about satellite? Download speeds are supposed to be great (which is fine for browsing), upload speeds are atrocious. Mac on a 100: and Windows on a 1G:
  3. Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem theoretically -- you only need USB1.0 for 24/96. I have had other problems though (not with USB, the bottleneck was the bus).
  4. I heard that there was a middle period of bassy ones that was supposedly targeting the US market, so early ones and late ones are the good ones. I think older ones of the non-bassy variety sound better just because they're burned in moar. No, I don't know the numbers. Stephen might.
  5. What you are looking for is "web mining" or "web scraping". But I have a feeling they're going to charge you a lot more than you'd be willing to pay. From a brief look-see, it looks like they're targeting not the buyer for this, but the seller, in terms of establishing a market price for a new product. The problem with this "hourly" stuff is that most sites don't like their sites being constantly searched by monkeys and lackeys that frequently. Once a day, maximum, please.
  6. Sammich, from Chop't
  7. Dusty Chalk

    Hum Issue

    Does it know the words? Okay, sorry, I had to get that out of the way. What happens if you leave your receiver off and turn the ht bypass on? And I assumed you tried disconnecting the receiver from the pre, and verified that the hum went away (since you're blaming the receiver). If not, do so. Also try cranking up the volume on silence. Also, how are things plugged in electrically (all on the same strip, etc.)?
  8. Oh, hey, look at that, they changed the description (it used to say 1920x1200). I guess I wasn't the only one. So that leads me to this: so you-all know I've been drooling over my coworker's 2560x1600 monitor, and it makes sense in my case to "settle" for 1920x1200, but how does that work with DVD's and stuff? I mean, there's that whole thing about refresh rate in televisions, and 60Hz vs 120Hz (try googling), but most LCD computer monitors don't go up much past 60 Hz. And I'm not sure they do any of that "3:2 dropdown" stuff, anyway. Anyone have any ideas/recommendations?
  9. Loudness is usually measured relative, not absolute.
  10. 12.5 db/div implies to me that it's linear in decibels, since the divisions are linearly placed. As to whether decibels are linearly correlated to loudness is another discussion entirely, but that's the premise many make. EDIT: Nate beat me to it. EDIT #2: Maybe he can't read sideways.
  11. You mean, like where it says right across the bottom that it's the log frequency?
  12. I think you're wrong -- with a roll-off at 14-15kHz, I think most people who read this forum would be able to tell the difference even with CD's, and it would be audibly darker.
  13. What, you've never heard of overtones?
  14. Why don't you just hit him in the back of the head with a shovel?
  15. I do, too. I mean, don't get me wrong -- I'm realistic, I'm not exactly scouring the web for new DVD-A releases. But if given a choice between mostly universal and completely universal, all other things being equal, I'll choose completely universal. I do have a small collection. There's no excuse to have the transport that can handle DVD/SACD, the DAC that can handle high-rate PCM (Blu-Ray), and not implement DVD-A. If Sony won't do it, there's always an Oppo or a LG or Denon that will.
  16. Why not? It is the music industry, after all.
  17. What happened?
  18. Daft Punk is up for best dance recording, as is Hot Chip. My girl Kylie is up for best electronic/dance album.
  19. So you varnished any squirrel feces that you couldn't eradicate? Great... (J/K...I imagine you got pretty fed up with working on and smelling it.) Here, dream about this: squirrel-shooting. Not "-hunting", "-shooting". Every time you see a flying squirrel, I want you to imagine someone/me having just yelled "Pull!", and you have a skeet shooter in your hand.
  20. Somehow I missed that you posted this -- thanks.
  21. ...on Twitter and a bunch of live blogs.
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