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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Lookin' good!
  2. Dir en Grey, Uroboros -- digging. These guys are like the Led Zeppelin of Japan. They have that combination of being able to go from hard to soft, plus the creativity. But this is more like circa 2000 hard rather than circa 1970 hard, so ... what was "metal" then would only be considered "hard rock" now. This is metal, by today's standards.
  3. Hooray, I pegged him!
  4. I've had luck with buy.com -- both good and bad. Got my ety's at a reasonable price there. But when I tried to pay by paypal, because my shipping address didn't match my address with paypal (though it should have if they had checked my billing address), they canceled my order. Fuckers. Yeah, from then on, I won't shop there unless it's a really really really good deal. And eCost was no better -- same problem.
  5. Jesus Christ, that guy pisses me off. He basically told us he's only suing people he thinks he can get away with suing. AND, he thinks he owns the word "monster", and any use of it will "dilute" his stuff. He owns the phrase "monster cables", which is entirely different. What about monster trucks, and their related rallies? What about monster cars? WHAT ABOUT MONSTER COCKS?!?!? Is he suing the porn industry? If so, I believe he is in for a world of hurt. Uh...that came out wrong, I mean, because they can afford to sue him back, and because they probably will stop using his cables.
  6. The Fashion, The Fashion
  7. I actually hadn't finished watching it when I posted that, and almost went back and changed it to read: Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  8. Does anyone know how to check if the PayPal deal is up at NewEgg? It's supposed to be over at midnight PST or "until the promotional funds run out". I'm on the pay screen, and I'm not seeing the discount, I'm thinking not to go through with it. Second opinions?
  9. http://i38.tinypic.com/9uasdc.gif http://www.lolstash.com/images/u6dyu9datihwp1xundt.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/Ted516/gwbvolleyball.gif http://www.hostthenpost.com/uploads/a68e8e8f7ac8adec604cfd5078441618.gif
  10. Feel free to skip the artwork. If anyone gives you crap about it, send them to me.
  11. So he split the thread when the thread split? Oh, and: WHEN THE HELL DID CYNIC PUT OUT A NEW ALBUM? MUST HAVE IMMEDIATELY... (wanders off...returns...fixes caps lock...wanders off again...)
  12. It's like professional wrestling, only without the homoerotic overtones.
  13. Now there's a meme I can enjoy.
  14. I can't imagine what that sounds like.
  15. Next time, report it right away, let eBay worry about it.
  16. Oh, but I beg to differ: Pocket Rocket.
  17. I'll get one eventually, there will be other deals. I'm in no rush. Externals will have to do for now. That said, thanks for the additional info.
  18. Welcome to Head-Case, Bearmann, sorry about the back of your head. I like your avatar.
  19. You should at least notify the police, at this point.
  20. Maybe that's why I thought that. PS to all you dachsund lovers -- it's already a dachsund, someone just put a wig on it. Or maybe it's a mop.
  21. Isn't Rhode Island closer than CT? newburycomics.com
  22. Glad to hear the news, Nate.
  23. Stand it up and put big boobs on it.
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