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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. That one actually got me shoulders-jigglingly giggling.
  2. Yeah, the combination of period-style writing and his rambling style make it a tough read, but it's worth it if you read the entire trilogy.
  3. You're right, I was getting distracted into binaural recording territory by the fact that you were using a head. You were just using it for convenience for measuring headphones, I see that now. No, I don't think it has any impact whatsoever.
  4. Yeah, it's probably some old lamb hag who smoked her whole life instead of some kid who was bathed in baby oil on a daily basis.
  5. Earlier in the thread, I thought maybe his priorities were just of the type that resulted in him being extremely sensitive to digititis. But yeah, "thin"? I'm thinking there's an impedance mismatch somewhere, too. But if he wants to prefer analog, who are we to judge? Moar iPods for the rest of us!
  6. What about "records"? I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. But alas, it will not be. Power will always be analog. Speakers will always be analog. Music, itself, will always be analog, even if it's an analogue of analog.
  7. So you're saving up for this, right: Banner Backup?
  8. Dir en Grey, Uroboros Again.
  9. Love Spirals, Windblown Kiss -- worldy.
  10. -100 geography points for me
  11. And One, Aggressor -- synthpop at its German (Viva le Deutschland!) finest -- the guy has a serious Alan Wilder fetish, and a really nice singing voice that doesn't have that typical Austrian accent -- just enough to be pleasing without being overwhelming.
  12. Dr. Wood really does some nice work.
  13. Hooray! Kidding. iPhone Nano rumour kidding.
  14. Well, no the head portion of the binaural mic is modeled to have similar acoustic properties as the human head. Foam does not (well, not most of us, anyway ). Maybe Billy.
  15. Yeah, I agree -- it's still a rip-off.
  16. Dummy head? You mean you bought or rented a binaural mic of the dummy head variety?
  17. Welcome to my world.
  18. For a minute, I thought this was a technical term for something.
  19. Hint: read more, post less. You know your way around the internet enough to find this place, don't ask people to handhold you through an internet forum.
  20. Heck, I don't even like kids, and even I'll say she's a cutie.
  21. That's just creepy. I approve.
  22. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Doctor-Who-Collection-William-Hartnell/dp/B000CNESV2]The beginning[/ame] would be appropriate.
  23. Yeah, I found that out. Screw that, I'm not taking the chance.
  24. Well, you ought to use your color tanks once in a while anyway, so the nozzles don't dry out.
  25. It might also be a bad fan.
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