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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better soon.
  2. 's'truth. Electric Tears and The Big Eyeball in the Sky have some stupendous tones, but he can get pretty bizarre, too.
  3. Which one?
  4. Plus...no. Bashing, smacking, it still results in flicker and/or dead bulb.
  5. ...or Skinny Puppy.
  6. And yet...spot on.
  7. Have you posted impressions of that somewhere?
  8. It's not self-defense if you have access to the back of the head, methinks.
  9. Uh...no.
  10. There's a word for that...I think it's called, 'masturbating'.
  11. And WTF are you doing with his daughter's cell #? [Jacob]Yeah, but then it always flickers and never works the same after you bash someone upside the head with it -- if it still works at all. Even if you replace the bulb. I usually just toss it in the basement after. Have to get a new one soon, anyway.[/Jacob]
  12. You're so mean.
  13. FTFY
  14. I can see it working on CD's, but I can't see it working on ripping CD's, as that is an asynchronous process. Unless there are fewer errors, which could be verified with EAC logs.
  15. I thought we agreed we were going to hide these from Mike so that he can't be influenced by them. I'll take 3 months, 19 days. And what's the rule on over/under -- Price is Right ruling (closest without going over), or just closest? "Bidding" closes as soon as he receives it.
  16. Do they really run concurrently every year?
  17. So, what, you're joking? Seemed like a pretty serious post up until that. Tard.
  18. Dusty Chalk

    Next Step

    Yeah, I agree -- start with the pre. Musical Fidelity, A308, a3.2 or a5. I've heard that the X-PreV3 isn't bad, but it's already out of production, and I haven't heard it for myself. (I've only heard the a3 and the A308, but their sounds jived with my understanding of how the lineup went, so I believe the other two would fit where I expect them too.) Jeez, too bad you missed out on this, that would have been my recommendation. I would also look at Conrad Johnson.
  19. I've heard that one should avoid no-name flash drives because then they'll only last a couple of refreshes -- is that true? I was going to get one of the $10-ish 16G ones. Are there any brands I should avoid? Corsair, Kingston, OCZ, Patriot, Crucial, Transcend, IPSG, Lexar, Sandisk, etc.? E.G., I was told to avoid anything like these.
  20. Update: another T-shirt from woot: I actually lollered, so I had to get it. I make that joke all the time (not necessarily with staples, but the "gesundheit" part).
  21. Each one takes 2 AA's, so 6 total. Re: battery life -- that's one of the reasons I got it -- LED's are much more efficient. I have some LED lights that I got from Ikea that -- after I unplug them (they're outlet powered with no batteries) -- visibly take several seconds to die down. I'm going to freecycle all my other flashlights (no, I don't have any worth sending anywhere).
  22. No, but you can get a Phaeton to match your Phiaton...as long as you get it in red or black (because black matches anything). Unless you mean the black one -- which will match anything, so yes.
  23. Me: AKG 271 II Second to last: Stanley 3-in-1 LED flashlight Pretty cool -- when they're together, the switches are synchronized so that any one of them turn all 3 on or off; when they're not, they're individualized.
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