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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Yes. He picked a really awkward time to implement this policy, and it should be retroactively canceled for anyone who still has an outstanding amp that needs returning. Not a step in the right direction.
  2. First day back at work
  3. Maybe he meant niggard.
  4. Cylindrical? Why? 2/3 of a sphere (in terms of complicatedness to tame, resonance-wise)?
  5. People in Europe typically pay 2ce what we pay for CD's, simply because they care about music more.
  6. What language is that?
  7. Oh yeah, Population Override is a high point for him. Electric Tears is good, too, albeit entirely different. Big Eyeball in the Sky is probably the closest to Pop Override, sylistically.
  8. Trying to get through this, but jesus christ does this suck. This might be the most technical wankiest shit I've ever heard. I mean, androgyny is interesting, but rarely musically useful.
  9. Brave. Something else lined up, I hope?
  10. I have no idea what this means -- you have no say in the matter as to what the rest of us think of you.
  11. I think he was just recommending the activity on general principle. Billy -- I keep trying, but it's hard.
  12. Either Gai Pad Pak, or Gai Gra Tiem Phrik Tai (I forget which is which). Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom.
  13. Probably because he has the polarity switched on one of his cat5 wires. I find the need of people who need to announce how little they care rather disingenuous. If you really didn't care, you'd just stop posting, much less reading. You guys are looking at things rather unscientifically -- just because you can't imagine the motivation (or assign a low likelihood to any you can imagine), you assume it isn't so. ASR is basing his conclusion on evidence he observed, nothing more -- so on that alone, he's up on you guys in my book. I've heard enough hearsay of similar observations by others that I allow for the possibility, even though I have to admit to being curious as to the cause-effect relationship.
  14. Bucketheadland, Island of Lost Minds -- typical bhl stuff -- shred in odd time signature...shred some more.
  15. I nominate grawk -- he set up a meet for the sole purpose of trying to mass up some interest in the local community, failed, and did not give up. Not only was his second attempt a rousing success, he made it look easy, never whined about how much work it was, and managed to make it a bit of a National meet in sheep's clothing.
  16. Pimp Your Listen?
  17. Bagel & Cream Cheese
  18. This isn't a court case, I meant "hearsay" as "something we've heard second-hand from someone else, rather than as first-hand experience". In other words, none of us have access to what goes on behind the scenes there, only what's told to us by you and Jude and the other mods, occasionally, obliquely, and vaguely (you less so than the others). You seem to want to imply from that that I assume you're lying, but that's not the case at all -- I allow for the possibility that you're lying, that's all. There's no proof to the contrary, and if someone were to swing the other way -- I.E. that it's a conspiracy and that you're lying -- I wouldn't be able to fault them or argue with them on that. There's just as much proof either way (I.E. none). Statements like "I'd write it off..." are still conclusions based on what information we have on hand, but just because one of us drew that conclusion, doesn't mean it's right. It's like that whole "science vs. faith" discussion -- a good scientist allows for the possibility that he is wrong, that's all. Sure, he can spend a lot of energy and effort trying to convince people to his way of thinking, but it's folly to dismiss someone just because they don't.
  19. I didn't say that, I said the converse. I have seen you get pissed off at this sort of thing before -- but that just says that sometimes you're too thin-skinned to be a mod, perhaps. I've also seen you not get this pissed off at far worse, that was my point. And I deliberately did not introduce my feelings on the matter, as they are irrelevant. I was just pointing out that this is all speculation -- whether positive or negative -- since we have no behind-the-scenes information, only hearsay.
  20. H.I.M., Uneasy Listening, Vol. 1
  21. Sorry, Mike, but I side with ASR on this -- others have made similar allegations against Jude & Co. without explicitly excluding you (and we have to make generalizations about the moderators, because we don't know which ones are the problems, and which ones are not -- we only have your word that you're not part of the problem), and have not received the ire I see coming from you this time.
  22. Forwarded that one to a Stars Wars fan friend of mine with the subject heading of "so wrong".
  23. Welcome to head-case, sorry about your thin skin. Hurray for another DT880 and Sony MDR-7506/-V6 lover!
  24. Jesus, you play fretless? Put together some recordings, man.
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