I have that. I was totally gay for anything that had the word "techno" or "trance" in it. I probably have 20 volumes of the Techno Trax series of compilations.
And Volume. I think I have everything on this page except for Sally's Photographic Memory and Deep Trance and Ritual Beats and Chakra Journey. Alright, maybe 95% of everything on that page.
I refused to drive directly after playing Cybersled at the arcade. You have a tendency to want to change lanes by giving the steering wheel a quick turn to the left followed by a quick turn to the right.
Any particular reason you went for the LG as opposed to anything else? The 2ms response time, perhaps? I been going back and forth between a 1920x1200 and a 2560x1600 (although at this point, since I already bought the graphics card, I am probably going the latter).
I thought it was newer than that (I.E. I thought the ability for the iPhone to download through iTunes via 3G was announced as of Macworld). Did you use 3G or did you use something else (I.E. wi-fi)?
Also, how's to know whether the track in question wasn't already 256/DRM-free? There were already some...
Well, sorry, I didn't mean anything disparaging by that remark, I have no problem with (my definition of) the term, 'audiophile'. In fact, I'm not even sure where that little background post came from -- I guess I was just saying I have no idea what the headphone scene back then consisted of.
I had no idea what audiophile meant before about 1999/2000, as I only "listened to music" on my dad's monaural Heathkit and my Pioneer SX-450. So I was a HD414 man for a long time, and then a Sony MDR-V6/-7506 man from somewhere around 1990 on.
Snarky response #1) The cover is the least of your problems...
Snarky response #2) Have you heard the music?
Snarky response #3) Hey, that's my mother you're talking about!
Snarky response #4) ...
...actually, no, I better stop.
椎名 林檎, 加爾基 精液 栗ノ花 -- haven't listened to this in a while, but wasn't tired of it yet, just got busy with other things. It's still my favorite older discovery of last year.