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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Mystified, Pulse Ringer Pieces -- fell in love with this ambient music via Magnatune. (Actually, I haven't bought this yet, but it's imminent.)
  2. Condolences. I just brought my mom home from the hospital and got my allergy shot. I could come to hate these, I always feel like crap for days afterwards.
  3. If the third party was a licensed escrow service, no, but if he's just a random so-and-so, yes -- trust. What if something happens to the amp between when SP lets it go and the owner receives it -- who is responsible?
  4. What about the Crystal Clear speakers? You guys are worthless.
  5. I hate when that happens...when my arms fall off in the middle of doing push-ups...
  6. You guys... I do have access to a camera with a decent macro, but I don't know how soon I will be able to have access to it, so, again, I'll see what I can do. I've never taken a headphone apart before. I'm scared. Hold me.
  7. I follow a lot of music-related pop culture, and I even I don't care about the rock 'n' roll hall of fame.
  8. (le sigh) Not sure I have any cameras with a decent macro...(which I only just learned about this weekend is a requirement to take the kinds of pictures you-all're looking for)...
  9. Thanks for the pics/guide, guys, I'll definitely give it a try. OTOH, my T40RP's distinctly say, "Mk II" right on the box, so maybe not.
  10. Not a particularly good one, but there were two highlights:
  11. Well that's alright then.
  12. I hope you all get banned from eBay.
  13. Well, at least he's telling you that he hasn't shipped them yet...that's a step in the honest and communicative directions, if nothing else.
  14. I've got "smells like semen/sounds like semen/smells like semen" stuck in my head right now. Might have to whip out the iPod.
  15. Visited my mom in the hospital. She's fine. It gets tiresome, repeating this, but you never know when it's going to be the real one. It was nice to see her network of friends and church parishioners at work in full force.
  16. They've only been up for a day, and they're already almost US$3K?!?!? This one's going to be a record player...er...setter, that is. If someone has an Orpheus they want to trade me, I'll consider it.
  17. So...I'm new to this modding stuff -- would I be able to use felt without rehousing the drivers?
  18. You're probably thinking of ribbon speakers, like the Apogees.
  19. Gee. Zuss.
  20. I'm selling my two Invictas and my one less black Nixon, if anyone's interested (which I doubt, so I'm not going to wait for an answer before I put them up on eBay, which will probably be this weekend). I just don't wear them any more, now that I got the Nixon all-black Private with which I'm very happy.
  21. Okay, mine are smooth, unlike the pictures, and the box says ROHS, so I assume they're v2: zZounds.
  22. You know, anal sex counts.
  23. Wait, there are versions? How does one tell? I'll check mine.
  24. I don't know, sounds like you've already been drinking it.
  25. What sort of headband do those things have?
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