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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Does not come in black == fail. They didn't even bother taking a picture of the silver ones, because they're so shiny, they probably reflect. No, seriously, I like Nuforce, and have high hopes for this headphone, but the bright colors are just ludicrous.
  2. Didn't he already say he'd fly it out to you once?
  3. Yeah, they could have called them iGrado's or something. iCary? iXciter? Alright, maybe not, but it's a close call.
  4. But why would it repeat? One would think that once one got rid of the contradicting charge, that it would be gone. Unless it's a static parasitic charge that isn't so much "gotten rid of" as "sufficiently counter-balanced with the appropriate electrical charge"...that was supposed to be a question.
  5. One more that is most probably going in my top X: Matt Elliott, Howling Songs -- disturbing, I didn't see this as the logical conclusion to Drinking Songs and Failing Songs, but there's something in there that just demands attention. No-one uses noise musically the way he does. Except maybe Portishead.
  6. (beat) (beat) (beat) LOL!
  7. Less visible entropy. And by that, I don't mean bullshit. It's probably got -- proportionately -- the same amount of bullshit as head-fi, if not more. The difference is, it's easier to see here, because there's less of it. There's also less wisdom, but that, too, is easier to see. Welcome to head-case, and duck a lot.
  8. Okay, just to get me started: Portishead, 3 (or Third) -- still reigns supreme as likely being my number one album of the year. It's so bizarre, it's nothing like anything they've ever done before, but they've found a way to make the unlistenable not just listenable, but repeatedly, enjoyably listenable. Opeth, Watershed -- yup, as predicted, this is my favorite Opeth release, EVARR!!!1!(sparta) Kaki King, Dreaming of Revenge -- just really like, can't explain, don't want to.
  9. Be careful what you wish for...
  10. Okay, just making sure, he's like top 10 for me, right up there with Oldfield.
  11. I've been sick all weekend, so nothing will be coming from this quarter any time soon.
  12. I'll order those black tissues as soon as the Merkin dollar gains some strength on the yen. Or not. Do want, though.
  13. Mmm...that brings it down to just over US$1100... And: nice!
  14. Duggeh, dude, you listen to some great shit. Have you heard Vangelis yet?
  15. Good call, Ian, better late than never, I'll start putting my thoughts together.
  16. Got in and out of bed, that was pretty much it.
  17. I do believe you meant that she was an intellectual property libation lawyer.
  18. Wait...what? Why?
  19. "Error", is the short answer. Transports create square waves, yes, but to varying degrees of accuracy, both in height and width. Depending on the interpreting DAC, this can have minor differences in sound to catastrophic differences in sound (I've seen lock lost as a result of a poor transport).
  20. Hurray! I mean, that's too bad. :|
  21. I've got nothing, but I just wanted to butt my head in here and say, "I approve of this thread."
  22. I have heard varying reports of "wake-up time", and do not know if it is a result of the headphone charging up, or the amp warming up. I have heard reports of instant charging, and I have personally heard one pair of headphones not wake up until 7:30 (I actually didn't hear them wake up until days later). Anyone at one of Hirsch's early Rockville meets can attest to this (I believe Justin was there, as were canman and taylor). In hindsight, I'd say they were defective, but they sounded fine once they woke up. So I say: suit yourself. Experiment. Listen to them cold (E.G. after being off all night), listen to them half an hour in, listen to them after being on for four hours. If they really don't sound any different, then I wouldn't leave them on all the time. If they take more than four hours, I'd get another pair. I just don't have that kind of patience (or the desire to pay those kind of electric bills and replacement parts bills -- because you will "use up" that amp faster as a result of keeping it on all the time).
  23. I think it changes the frequency response. Minutely, admittedly, but it's "old school".
  24. Looks like a nice meet! ("What the hell am I listening to, this don't sound like no Chris Isaak?!?!? Oh, the CD is still in the case...")
  25. "...built..." ...and you don't have time to mod the Orthos?!?!? (Don't mind me, just giving you a hard time...I have to admit to being envious of your abilities..." Back on topic: some of my favorite speakers I've ever heard were cloth-dome (Spendor S3/5's). But I've also heard metal domes which I've really liked. Okay, that did nothing for the thread, I think I'll move along...
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