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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I doubt yours has the...er...what look like "solder nipples"? They don't look right. I have no idea what the purpose to them was, so I'm suspecting side-effect from some other process, such as making them shorter from using non-standard materials? Confirm/deny, Nate/anyone?
  2. Pfff. Not bloody likely. (pictures guy in an alley with a trench coat who looks like Dick Dastardly for some reason, "hey guy, wanna buy some popcoooooorn? Hmm?")
  3. One of Stax' better color schemes, methinks.
  4. The short answer is yes, you should do something like this. I wouldn't use snips, though, as you may deform them in the process. If you can get them ground to the same length, that would be optimal. Yes, it is possible to make them too short, but you'd have a long way to go in that realm. The static is from an intermittent contact -- you might try some of that silver conductive paint that people are doing (although be careful not to join two adjacent pins electrically), as an alternative.
  5. I'm a big Dave Stewart fan -- even kept a subscription to Keyboard magazine when he was writing a column for them. You should also check National Health.
  6. Nah, g'ahead, do it again.
  7. I eat unsalted, unsugared popcorn, so...I have to wonder what happened to your tastebuds, do you smoke?
  8. Hiromi, Brain
  9. Regular popcorn is awesome. Except then when I pee it smells like popcorn. And if that's several hours later, I giggle, which causes bad aim. But if you think it's rubbish, then that would make popped amaranth grain ... nano-rubbish?
  10. The problem with satire: it's never as funny as real life.
  11. I'm sure he could, too, but as yet, no headphone amp is intended to do that. There are some speaker amps, maybe (the Halcro TOTL [don't know what it's called] and the Musical Fidelity kW are the only two I know that are designed to be able to "drive any load", and the few ribbon owners I know are usually fond of the higher-watt Krell monoblocks [FPB250's?]). EDIT: See? But I didn't mean to infer that those two statements are related -- he didn't say why he wouldn't sell the headphone ribbons separately, and I didn't ask.
  12. Deadwood on Gold Box
  13. He wrote back confirming that he won't be selling the headphone drivers separately. He also explained that I was right, he needs a proprietary amp because it basically needs to be able to drive a short circuit.
  14. So why don't you make him a counter-offer with that as justification?
  15. more
  16. Yeah, but yours had nice imagery.
  17. And sometimes they don't even slap newer/more expensive components on, in addition to what aerius said.
  18. I'll let Chekhonte have first dibs on those (plus I don't want to spend $85 right now), but I'm thinking I need to try a pair. Is there a home-made recipe?
  19. Okay, I tried, even though I can wield banstick and turn custom titles on and off, I cannot actually change them. Probably a good thing, 'cuz aardvark was going to get "moar banned".
  20. Aw...I want one of those cute wittle iPod Pelican cases...
  21. ...and before this thread turns any more into a clusterfuck than it already is. v---see here
  22. Yeah, I thought they were Pioneers, too, as I have a pair of vintage Pioneer knock-offs. And yes, of course, but I keep forgetting its name/URL. Don't usually even remember enough to google for it. I haven't been there in months, thanks for ruining my productivity for the rest of the evening.
  23. That's a classic.
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