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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Miles Davis, Just Squeeze Me -- 10 CD box set of moar jazz, it's basically the Prestige set in cheap packaging, minus a couple of tracks.
  2. I like my techno soundtrack better.
  3. a couple of backlit keyboards and a couple of lengths of cat6
  4. Very nice.
  5. See, that's a perfect example. If one examines a meme too closely (I.E. if one only observes one example without understanding that it is, indeed, a meme), it resembles entropy. But there's just too many/much of them for it to be entropy.
  6. Now there's an image that merits the higher resolution. You hear me, KG?
  7. Dark Knight soundtrack
  8. I'm rockin' both BSG S3 and Black Books S3 right now. Jesus Christ that first disk of BSG S3 was intense.
  9. Nice! Good price? I need a Kershaw...a black Kershaw...
  10. You sold your 2008?
  11. Jesus that's a lot of components. You think it's discrete ladder? Well, it's balanced, anyway.
  12. HDMI DVI cable
  13. What do you mean, 'if'?
  14. Shit, I need to go run a quick errand between freeze points. The day started as ice, and will probably end as ice as well. In fact, I'll be lucky if I get a non-ice window.
  15. Where did y'all's righteous indignation about Ray's burn-mark leaving amp go? I mean, yeah, leave him out of this, but don't go the other extreme and say he wouldn't try to cover up his tracks when he screws up. He did.
  16. (insert snarky comment that somehow manages to include the words "past completive" and allude to multiple personalities at the same time)
  17. Poor lion.
  18. Was just listening to Zombie Zombie -- tres cool, dig the retro phatness.
  19. No, there aren't. There's the phone app, and there are recording apps, but they get suspended by incoming calls.
  20. Unfortunately, I can offer no more than moral support and the occasional shovel to the back of the head, but I offer both of those freely and willingly. I agree. But the person should be Icarium. He needs to be the one to decide whether or not to completely scrap the amp and do a complete rebuild, or to try to do a fix. Personally, I think a fix makes more sense, as I do believe it would be worthwhile to find out what the amp was supposed to sound like, but that's if it was me. I agree, but even I would be more than hesitant to send anything to him. As overkill as it sounds, I think Icarium should take Mikhail up on his offer to fly out, otherwise the amp will end up back in purgatory. (That's if the buying the amp back idea doesn't work out.)
  21. Dang, those Omega Super 5's look nice! I'm a big fan of nearfield setups, even when they're not necessarily meant to be.
  22. What a waste.
  23. No, the point is USB is better.
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