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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. No, that's exactly what I'm saying is not happening in my case. Maybe we're programmed differently, but there's just no feeling of "missing something".
  2. For those of you getting cold feet -- consider a single-ended version? I'm out, but I have to admit to being very curious how these are going to sound.
  3. Love button? Wiggle back and forth? Touch the two together? Oh, I think it was intentional, so that all the little girls and occasional boy could hide it in plain sight.
  4. Marquesote -- or as I like to call it, Twinkie dough.
  5. AT05C - case of 24 tins: Silver Sampler Tin x1 @ $15.00 ea. AT40C - Case of 6: Brushed Steel Tin (150g) x1 @ $17.80 ea. SD30 - set of four teas: Basic Darjeeling Sampler x1 @ $15.50 ea. SC21 - set of four teas: Ceylon Sampler x1 @ $13.00 ea. SA38 - set of four teas: Assam Sampler x1 @ $13.50 ea. TB70S - 15g sample: Finest Russian Caravan x1 @ $1.00 ea. packed for: Dusty Chalk TB10S - 15g sample: Bond Street English Breakfast Blend x1 @ $1.00 ea. packed for: Dusty Chalk TB60S - 15g sample: Russian Caravan x1 @ $1.00 ea. packed for: Dusty Chalk TB86S - 15g sample: Richmond Park Blend x1 @ $1.50 ea. packed for: Dusty Chalk ZY02S - 15g sample: Season's Pick Yunnan FBOP x1 @ $1.00 ea. packed for: Dusty Chalk ZY51S - 15g sample: Yunnan TGFOP x1 @ $1.00 ea. packed for: Dusty Chalk TP04S - 15g sample: China Black Flowery Orange Pekoe x1 @ $1.00 ea. packed for: Dusty Chalk TT11S - 10g sample: Oolong Standard Grade x1 @ $1.00 ea. packed for: Dusty Chalk ZO10S - 12g sample: China Oolong Se Chung x1 @ $1.00 ea. packed for: Dusty Chalk
  6. I think my first download was...uh...probably a naked girl or something
  7. Dosh, Wolves and Wishes -- saw these guys open for Notwist, and they were great.
  8. That's not necessarily a bad idea.
  9. Whut? No. Incorrect. You're thinking "Yesterday" and "Long and Winding Road", but you listen to most anything else off at least the red era ("Help", "Hard Day's Night", "Day Tripper", etc.), and I challenge you to find anything in either MJ's or MB's catalog that "rocks" like that.
  10. Who did?
  11. I think deepak and I are VdGG fans, too.
  12. It depends on the driver -- if it goes through the kmixer, my understanding is yes, it does. Someone feel free to correct me.
  13. I don't know, I went straight to the model I use. More difficult to dislodge?
  14. That's not presence. You can talk about "visceral" impact, but that's not presence. Admittedly, presence doesn't have that specific a meaning when talking audio, but that's so far from what I would term as presence that I have to disagree with you -- it's merely one element. I have heard headphone reproduction so good -- with the exception of feeling it with my body -- that I did not miss the visceral impact, it was that good. It had presence, that feeling of the music being right there in front of me, alive, and lively and whatever other pseudo-synonyms you want to throw in there. Maybe it's just me -- though I kind of doubt it, although I won't argue that we're in the minority -- but once you get beyond a certain threshold of headphone music reproduction, you stop getting distracted by it's lack of impacting anything other than your ears. Those people who continue to get distracted by that are just stubborn in my opinion. I don't know if it's a subconscious stubbornness or what, but that's the best word I can come up with for it.
  15. I will officially not be in attendance.
  16. Alright, maybe not full face, but it's not just the just-nostril thing as was pictured above. It does sound like Darth Vader's assisted breathing apparatus thingy, though.
  17. Awesome.
  18. I have a full-face mask, myself.
  20. I agree, it would be nice if we could submit some music recommendation to them. 4th movement of Dvorak's 9th or something similarly bombastic -- albeit well-recorded bombast -- would be an excellent choice (especially since it's one of my favorite pieces ever, anyway).
  21. Healthy Choice Chicken Margherita -- less the chicken, so Healthy Choice Margherita spaghetti, basically.
  22. Both good points about AudioCubes, wish I'd remembered to mention them.
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