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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Side two of that is one of my favorite pieces of music, ever.
  2. You probably either have a ground loop or a shielding problem. I suspect since this is your first electrostatic that the amp is new, too, yes?
  3. It's probably a surprise. You know, like a stripper jumping out of a cake on your birthday, only without the nudity and sugar. I wouldn't worry about it.
  4. I'm an undeadhead -- I like to listen to zombies.
  5. Jesus. Yeezh. Hope everything works out, and that you DON'T DIE.
  6. Ryan -- what about an orthodynamic, have you heard one?
  7. Yeah, that was most of it, but I really wanted the whole thing. Fortunately, one of the closely related videos showed the whole thing, so...thanks!
  8. Who knows what the name of that YouTube video of an Asian guy who's demonstrating a piece of kit in which it starts out real simply but by the end he's actually really rocking out? I think he says something like "now this is rock'n'roll!" at some point.
  9. Atom TM - Liedgut Anthony Rother - This Is Electro (Works 1997-2005) Anthony Rother - Art is a Technology Anthony Rother - Hacker Biosphere - Autour de la Lune Fanu + Bill Laswell - Lodge Dani Joss - Shaper of Form Various Artists - Pop Ambient 2008 Various Artists - Pop Ambient 2009
  10. The switch locks/unlocks whether or not the earspeaker itself swings out. It's broken on most used models, because no-one knows to unlock it before swinging them out.
  11. Biosphere, Dropsonde -- ambient techno electronica at its finest
  12. Jesus! Did you try taking the cowl off?
  13. Scan it in, I can OCR it.
  14. Alt text == "I once got to second base with a basketball player. She was so confused."
  15. Isn't that what was going to happen anyway?
  16. I'm afraid that my cat is officially in non-attendance as well. Sorry to let any of you down, but I still hope you the greatest success in your conflagration of people.
  17. In an interesting coincidence, I just bought a quadrablender today.
  18. Watched and listened to a 45 minute advertisement disguised as a Webinar for "Jacket" (Matlab/Cuda bridge software).
  19. Whut? I think they're quite reasonable, but then again, I'm only using a 22" monitor. Oh, and get something with ribbons. Ribbons rule. Or perhaps the new mini-Magnepans.
  20. Well, it's not like the output stages of those DAC's don't look the part. I say dew et. And then report back on your findings.
  21. I dig 'em. I like both their earlier spacier/post-rocky stuff, and their more recent more organic pop-rocky stuff.
  22. I'm a member -- if you need me to buy and turn it around and ship it to you, just say the word. With the understanding that it's probably not worth it to pay shipping twice.
  23. Gilels playing Rachmaninov and Saint-Sa
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