One shouldn't be judged (or not judged) over here purely based on one's presence over there.
Oh, and you two -- it's probably your service providers spam filters. Either that or you have notifications turned off -- look in user CP.
Puppy Gristle
And: Deepak -- thanks, skimmed it just now, will read it later, definitely looks like interesting stuff. I've been meaning to check that artist out.
He always hums when he's improvising, so stick to his classical albums. I have no idea to what you are referring when you discuss the transgender ferret.
Goddamnit, tell me about these things! I would've gone to that. Joshua Bell is probably my second favorite living violinist.
(J/'s not your fault I've slipped in keeping track of concert schedules and the like...)
He's mentioned it before -- he follows a ...uh...a feed? ...where they post 90% of this stuff (and he filters out the good stuff for us).
I repost about 5% to a friend of mine, kind of doing the same thing at a smaller scale.
It depends whether you believe in "absolute phase" or not, and whether you can hear it or not. I personally believe in it, however I don't believe I can hear it with 99% of the music that I listen to.
I don't know about you, but I usually associate a drama queen with someone who tries to artificially raise the perception of the drama in one's own life rather than in someone else's.
And: broken ribs ain't nuthin' to sneeze at, missy. You could leak marrow and develop all sorts of problems...