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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Neko Case posted a bulletin on her MySpace page today announcing that she will be featured on FabChannel.com for a live streamed concert from Amsterdam. The concert will be broadcast live on that website this Sunday morning, Feb. 22, at 10 a.m. Eastern / 7 a.m. Pacific. According to the bulletin, "If you aren't able to catch the live stream, keep checking back to FabChannel as they'll be posting the entire performance for streaming next week!" link
  2. As Lonely as Dave Bowman, Pod -- ambient from Sam Rosenthal/the Black Tape for a Blue Girl/Projekt dude via ESW-9's straight outta da iPod
  3. Drobo @ NewEgg
  4. I don't think it's extra foil, I think the label peeled off, and the foil is underneath.
  5. Hey, that's my girlfriends!
  6. Hooray. Just a belated response to this: Agreed. And I didn't mean necessarily scamming -- he might have done it right in front of you. You know how tuberollers are, "oh, yeah, for my system, these are fine, but for yours, I suspect you'll want these..." etc. That kind of thing. I wish you many hours of enjoyable listening.
  7. Buh.
  8. Oh, that. Why Delaware?
  9. "absorb", you mean like through osmosis?
  10. Aquapet: "Squirt" It's...uh...for a friend...
  11. Hey, your birthday is only a month after Simone's...so you have that going for you... Happy B-day!
  12. [harvey keitel]Oh...we were already good.[/harvey keitel]
  13. I went through that exact same thought process once. I believe it should be belated happy birthday, because it's the well-wishing which is belated, not the birthday, which happened quite punctually, whether one was aware of it or not.
  14. We need to get her to do a side project, she does have a wonderful voice, superb song-writing skills, a delightful attitude towards music-making...plus, country already has plenty of hot chicks, we could use moar in the prog and/or psychedelic genres.
  15. It just means instead of having one item a day, they have smaller quantities of multiple items, so they put the next one up as soon as one sells out. It garners interest (last time I really regretted spending as much time as I could on the site -- ended up buying a camera and a keyboard that I didn't need).
  16. That'd be nice.
  17. Three things: 0 - Don't panic! 1 - have you ever had tube equipment before? They take a while to warm up, give them 30 minutes (monitored of course, just in case something really is wrong). They should audibly get better. 1.5 - Don't panic. 2 - reseat the tubes, just in case. Take them out, and put them back in. He didn't swap tubes on you, did he? You might just have a burned out tube. Those are easy enough to replace. 3 - Do not panic.
  18. I'll take "only twice", first one is up already.
  19. Yeah, as soon as I started to say that, I remembered that a friend of mine has one of those huge pendulum clocks. And I don't remember it ever ticking...I'll look and see what kind it is the next time I'm over there. But I do remember the movement being smooth as velvet.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG7th1-1N4U
  21. Yeah, I really dig that Lovesexy/whatever album. That and...uh...Robin Thicke. Okay, I didn't know who he was when I bought it, they were playing it in the store and I liked it. The end.
  22. Damn, that sounds intriguing...
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