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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Uh...you know there's no such thing as "flawless". There's better and worse, but there's absolutely no such thing as flawless. You might listen to a system and think it's flawless, and it's probably pretty good, but you'll hear flaws in it eventually, if you listen to enough different musicks on it.
  2. I'm not sure, there's some controversy regarding this. Green tea and black tea are the same thing, only the black tea is roasted/fermented/painted/whatever. So on the one hand, don't be fooled by the fact that it's green, but on the other, that's what I've been told. I.E. it's probably an oversimplification, and is more complex than that. To tell you the truth, it doesn't feel as caffeinated as even regular tea, I have no idea why. If I drink enough, late, it will keep me up. So I don't, but I can get away with a little. I'm not sure what your goals are, but if you want to cut down without giving up caffeine, it's the perfect solution. If you want that "jolt", look elsewhere. I would recommend the following: get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water, get some regular activity (exercise), start the day with protein, and don't forget to breathe. In other words, then you won't need the jolt.
  3. Nah, I bought it after I watched it -- it's a keeper.
  4. No, it should be fine for watching movies, but the screen's too small. For me. Me needem big horkin' screen.
  5. Moar paint?
  6. Damn, that came out today, didn't it? I need to hit the record store, there's that, and the new Steven Wilson... EDIT: AND the new God Forbid...and new Lamb of God...
  7. Check out the DVD of Robert Rich's Somnium -- 1 seven hour long piece (unfortunately, cut into parts, so it may technically be shorter in pieces, but if heard as a whole in its entirety, it beats). And yes, the title is an indication of the music -- they were these special "sleepover" concerts...
  8. Just had some really good cheap sushi with Dan. (Vicki -- I now have your ESW10's.)
  9. But at least it's not a Seagate.
  10. I would think the only downside was that it would be less powerful if you wanted to do anything else with it (like watching movies, etc.). I plan on getting something that I can (a) work on; ( watch movies on; and © play music on, so I'm probably going to get the huge MacBook Pro.
  11. Hitachi 1TB for US$90 to go with your recently acquired Drobo or ThermalTake BlacX
  12. You couldn't sleep, so you listened to Carcass? Alright...
  13. Samich -- peppered turkey w/garlic mayo and sweet relish on grain bread.
  14. I don't think of it as "less discerning", I think of it as "less exaggerating" (as in, the differences between the two). Some people want to glorify their own ability to hear, so that when there's a subtle difference, they say, "OMG, it's like night and day".
  15. The AudioValve RKV is also auto-bias, IIRC.
  16. Yeah, just post the update to the thread, and then say something like, "could one of the moderators change the first post to say this: ...?"
  17. Do you know what most people who don't pay for TV do? Without. They do without. I can do without your whining. STFU. Dollhouse -- I really like the lyrics to the theme song, it's perfect for the show. I bet Joss wrote them.
  18. Yeah, green teas do better at 160 or thereabouts, and I've actually been experimenting -- successfully, I might add -- with anywhere in the 170-180 range for black tea. I like my tea less bitter/smoover than most. Yes, some may call it insipid. Fuck 'em. PS I need screenshots of that animation.
  19. Bob Dylan, "The Aardvark Song"
  20. The doctor asked for an aardvark The doctor asked for abstinence And somewhere in the distance A wild cat asked for sustenance. I'm thinking this is a secret spy photo from Bob Dylan's mind of unused song lyrics.
  21. I thought that was Carver?
  22. Thanks. That song stuck in my head, and I'm about to go to sleep. I'll be dreaming of weddings, I'm sure.
  23. I predict that a lot of people will make predictions, and that after all is said and done, those people will claim to have predicted correctly. Including me, I will cite this post when I am proven correct.
  24. They seem pretty happy. I think from that we can safely deduce that they haven't been forced to try tried them yet.
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