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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I'm guessing that's in California? Frisco, perhaps? Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  2. What do you mean, if? Are you still on the fence?
  3. But it's easily my favorite Ghost album.
  4. The short answer is no, but "no bass" does not describe the L3000's, that was good enough for me at the time. Colin? Do you still have it? I'm pretty sure your two weeks are up, but if not and if you want, I could bring them by again, Friday evening or something briefly. (Alexandria is pretty convenient to me from work.) As well as any other phones that we could test any theories with. The MDR-F1 has a pretty "testing" impedance. Anyway, I'm going to assume not, but if so, speak up quickly, I'll make sure I have them with me tomorrow.
  5. Original part. That way if you have to turn around and sell it, you don't have to explain how it's a buffalo DAC in a Sonic Frontiers chassis, you can just sell a Sonic Frontiers DAC. Somehow, I'm thinking that that's not that distant a probability.
  6. Dude, what are you searching on, "Fucking epic animated gif"?
  7. Agreed. The way I phrased the generality is unfounded.
  8. Mmm...how is it?
  9. http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=198250 -- they have a dedicated McIntosh subforum where they could probably answer your question. I have no idea why the URL tags on that don't work.
  10. I'm surprised you didn't mention the trouble it has driving low impedance cans. Aren't the Sony's low impedance? It made the L3000 sound broken.
  11. I can't find my Ety's, so I can't compare, but I quite like the RE-02's, you definitely did not steer me wrong there. From memory, they're better than the US$100 Shures I have. [bruce willis in fifth element]Wrong answer.[/bruce willis]
  12. Either I stand corrected, or they lowered the price even more. This is now less than the refurb by US$160.
  13. I like Etymotic ER-6i's and Head-Direct RE2's.
  14. Amazon.com: Flip Video Ultra Series Camcorder, 30-Minutes (White): Camera & Photo
  15. Try putting code tags around it, thusly? . Rb At= -------------------------- *(see foot) . ( Rb
  16. Well, I didn't realize DVD burners had gotten so cheap. I mean, on the order of that first adapter I posted. Heck, I might even spring for one that has Blu-Ray capability, since I'm this close (holds fingers this much apart) to buying the 30" monitor. So: no, I probably won't be getting the adapter.
  17. What about having them fix it somehow else, knowing what the problem is?
  18. I did not know that. For some reason, I think of Scarling as much more mature and refined than Jack Off Jill -- have you heard of Hansyl and Gretyl? Maybe I'm confused. I really ought to pay more attention to what I'm listening to when I'm listening to it...
  19. ESW10's > VTG sound quality wise ...straight outta the iPod. Form factor (closed, around the ear), VTG's are still > ESW10's. :\ Also, the VTG's don't suck unamped.
  20. On second thought, you're right, I should just buy another burner, and either put this in my older box or sell it off...anyone want an IDE lightscribe DVD burner?
  21. So I take it no-one disrecommends any of these, so I might as well go for whatever I feel like -- the cheapest, or one of the cheapest, since many of them go for $9-$12. Dan/Todd -- what was that product that made your IDE or SATA device into a USB device...except without the case? I'm thinking I should at least get the same manufacturer, since you're both happy with that product.
  22. x2, pretty much
  23. Or this one? (Half as much.)
  24. ...but I want the lightscribe -- my computer already has a burner.
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