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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. But you could sell it on eBay!
  2. Teddyslayer New Waves The Convenient Tiny Chair The Original Blue Hedgehog Masque of the Red Death Loss I Just Can
  3. Aw, c'mon, you wouldn't pay two-fiddy?
  4. No he hasn't.
  5. Which ones, today's? I've been buying an epic number of them in the last couple of months. Some even non-black!
  6. Am I the only one to hear Styx every time I read the subject of this thread?
  7. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
  8. Yeah, what do they think they are, an Autechre song?
  9. Depending on the disk, you could get an increase in quality (for example, if there are fewer bad sectors, it could result in less jitter). Minor, but...there ya go.
  10. For someone like me ...alright, worse... who just has a thing for Asian women. And I <3 "...A mysterious force blocks your path..." And where the fuck is the Deathstar, am I blind? Unrelated: And it doesn't contain paraplegics, but it's still a hockey fight -- this is pretty much what I think of, when I think of hockey -- I just don't "get it":
  11. No overture for you!
  12. last.fm electro podcast and other random free mp3 tracks
  13. I am NOT posting cat scat. Besides, I didn't take any. EDIT: ...pictures, that is.
  14. Months ago. I haven't seen them since I took them over to my mom's when I was trying to find something she could listen to besides the K1000's. I am the one that cleans the kitty litter and tries to determine what state (as in, of the United States) her little piles most closely resemble. I'm still looking for Hawaii, yes. She tends to stick to the midwest -- Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa...
  15. The problem is, they're so small, that you can't possibly have looked everywhere yet. They'll turn up. As will my Ety's.
  16. No, because that would make me hurt. Other peoples' kids getting hurt == comedy; me being hurt == tragedy. And yes, there's probably a certain amount of mislaid trust in me, that the kids aren't actually getting whalloped, and that they're resilient as all hell.
  17. Want. Actually, US$1500 is pretty reasonable for early adopter prices. I was expecting worse, given the verbage.
  18. Have you gone through your cats' poop?
  19. Maybe they put it on the inner groove?
  20. Also by the fact that he never looks at the kid. Alas, I was kind of hoping it was real. This is probably my favorite new meme -- putting kids getting whalloped into animated gifs.
  21. That's one way to look at it, the other way is that it's like starting on a manual typewriter before going to electric -- build up those muscles, and everything after that will be easy. Of course, this is coming from a non-guitarist, YMMV, etc.
  22. Dudes, WTF with the avatars? It's creeping me out. Don't you know that irony DOES NOT CONVEY on the internet?
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