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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I can never cut foam that neat.
  2. Speaking of cloning...
  3. Can I get names to go with the faces? I don't recognize everyone there. Translation: Who's the hottie?
  4. Agreed, but (a) I'd be hard pressed not to use a computer -- any computer -- for something else, and ( "...the ability to say..." -- heck, I don't even say it, I just like moar memory and moar faster speedier because I like moar memory and moar faster speedier. I'm shallow, and I'm at peace with that.
  5. I like how both the pics and the impressions are completely bereft of headphones so far.
  6. Freakin' bizarre. But then again, so is Craigslist.
  7. Thanks, I'll have to read impressions.
  8. This pic: ...is the one that got my attention, not just for the Woo amp (which I looked, and they all come in that black on black look), but also for whatever that thing is off to the right.
  9. Yeah, that's not new. I haven't had that problem...much...and I buy a lot from amazon marketplace -- but I stick to a couple of tried-and-true sellers -- --caiman--, --cdzone-uk--, ImportCDs -- ...actually, from looking back over my orders, I've been buying from quite a variety of them.
  10. Goddamn, that woo setup is gorgeous. Which amp is that? (wanders off to look up moar woo audio pitchers)
  11. 190? I get 155... CDs -- especially ones that cost more than US$10-20 -- are almost invariably less expensive from an amazon marketplace merchant. That said, I think I paid a little more than that, looks like they recently came back into print or something. (Sometimes if something sells slowly, they'll let it sell out and see if there is a clamor for more, before they print more...) Yeah, it's the entire soundtrack, and I believe the DVD's have surround tracks, though I haven't listened to them yet.
  12. Oooooo, let me at 'im, let me at 'im! I'd never mix or monitor anything seriously on those, they're just way too pleasant to listen to, all my mixes would come out sounding like crap, because even the harshest music sounds good coming out of those. Oh, and me: Blu-Ray ROM/DVD/CD burner w/ lightscribe -- SATA, no less
  13. Thanks for the indirect recommendation on this -- I looked it up (it's Steve Wilson-approved) and listened to samples, and it def. sounds interesting. Me: The Lord of the Rings - The Complete Recordings -- roughly 10 disks of epic work soundtrack music
  14. Sure. 6 feet is pushing it, but well within what I think it would be realistic to expect decent performance. And definitely get full-range floorstanders, I agree with that, too.
  15. Karma is a myth -- clone him! Dew et!
  16. I read this without understanding why on earth anyone would pay anyone to do that to them, just squirming, and picturing "Hostel". Not paying attention FTL.
  17. I think "encouraged" is an understatement. Some light reading
  18. Awesome. And the Millenium Falcon was awesome, too -- I loved the fact that broom guy had to clean up after every mess, and the completely unnecessary Leia getting dressed.
  19. Apogee Duet & Nugget Audio breakout cable
  20. You can still get Teddyslayer, you just gotta pay $5 more...
  21. Yeah, if you're using them for full-range monitors, you're going to be sorely disappointed. I still plan on getting a sub for mine one of these days... Go 2.1 -- as to which ones, I have no idea. In that 12x12 (yeezh) room -- you going to be listening nearfield or whut?
  22. Jacob/Todd/Dan/whomever -- I took care of the banning, but not sure how to IP-ban, so I'll leave that up to you, is that alright?
  23. Oh, well would you look at that. I just searched for posts, and even found a profile for the former user known as DannyB...Wait a minute, last time on was yesterday, I think the members list is broken.
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