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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Double-entendre alert!
  2. I don't think most people have a problem with utilizing the return policy as it has, for the most part, been described here. I think most people would have a problem with abusing the return policy for the express purpose of being able to listen to the HD800's for 30 days. In other words, they intend to return it -- whether they like it or not. That is abusing the return policy.
  3. Me neither.
  4. Holy shit on this week's episode -- I anticipate something major. Do not look at the spoiler below until after you watch this week's episode, but I put this here so that I can say I told you so later (and I'm going to put some space in for the email guys, so email guys -- don't read this!) Anyone know when they put the hulu video up? Some time on Saturday, presumably, but what time? SPOILER!
  5. Well, I spoon-fed him the answer and then when he didn't have it spelled out exactly the way he wanted it to, he got rude with the PMS comment -- you know, when a noob expects answers to be spoon-fed to them and are rude when they aren't, we treat them like shit, I don't see why this is any different. Al -- I'm sorry you took it the wrong way, but the initial response (the one you called PMS-y) was just me giving you a hard time for not reading carefully enough -- you should know me well enough by now that I can be brusque. When you got rude, I got rude back. I mean, I went out of my way to help you -- I googled that stuff for you, when I could have just posted a "here-let-me-google-that-for-you" link, downloaded the manual and searched for the information in the manual, because it was familiar territory for me. I didn't have to do any of that. Stuff.
  6. Krystian Shek - War
  7. Todd -- is there a reason this is not working? I'm trying to post two videos to the "slow forum" thread from thewebsiteisdown.blip.tv -- all I get is a blank page. Preview post/go advanced work just fine, it's post quick reply/submit reply that don't work. (It's obviously not that important...but might be to someone else in the future.)
  8. Do you have dipshit disease? No, you don't, and next time I won't. Even though I told you the exact two places to look? I give up. Someone else help this asshole.
  9. Did you read the entire post? Or maybe I'm not understanding your question.
  10. Demians, Building an Empire is all I listen to in my car besides the new Steven Wilson. "Sand" is pretty much stuck on repeat.
  11. Mush (I.E. refried beans) -- side-dish to a Don Pablo Fajita Burrito (which I already finished eating). Dang, I hate it when I forget to order black beans instead of refried.
  12. Can't confirm, but I would think so: from this page. And then in the manual (PDF), Fig. 1 appears to show that the two are paralleled. Add to that the fact that on Page 6 of 6, it describes in detail the dithering on the two digital outputs. I would have to say yes.
  13. Air, Virgin Suicides soundtrack
  14. And if you need a ride or gas money or anything, just ask.
  15. Hey guys, please don't quote or respond to spam in any way -- just gives us more posts to delete. Just report it. Thanks.
  16. I have all the "on black" options, I believe.
  17. Ah, but there's the rub. No-one can build a cheaper one than this Drobo -- a free one.
  18. No, I don't mean concerts, I actually do mean recording stuff "in the field" -- I heard a really cool sound last night, and I didn't think of my iPhone (duh!), but even if I did, I want to get serious about this. I want to have access to a quality portable digital recorder at all times (I.E. if not actually with me, then with me as much as my iPod is). So, I realize this is not the best place to ask, so the question is mostly -- where should I go to ask this? Harmony Central? Any place else? I can't remember the music makers and producers forum that I used to frequent -- gear-freaks or something like that? Here are my choices so far, that I can figure: Tascam DR-1 or DR-07 Alesis ProTrack (requires iPod) Zoom H4 Edirol R-09 Olympus LS-10 Any others I should be looking at? Would like Hi-Res (either DSD or high bit-rate PCM).
  19. Going at a rate of about 5 comments/second, it's up to 13,050+ at last look.
  20. You could do worse.
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