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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. What the hell is 'death by flatulence'?
  2. What do you mean, 'if'?
  3. Cool! Will do.
  4. Want.
  5. I thought DPA was a bunch of ex-employees of ...that other big microphone company, whose name I forget -- M&K? H+K? EDIT: B&K? Yes, it appears to be B&K. Okay, yes, it appears they weren't "cloning" the B&K mics, so much as picking up where Br
  6. So...wow. I got mine today. Either they're overdriving my amp (Radii HAP-02) -- which means they're louder than the standard output of the Mac -- or I'm suffering from lack of burn-in. Or something else. I'll play with levels. Anyone know any good upsampling software for Mac? I might also have to try my Singlepower amp on it.
  7. Right now I am trying grawk's microtrack -- still need to get a microphone/pair of microphones to go with it. Yes, Gearslutz was the name I was looking for, thanks! Yes, MicroTrack or H4 are high on my list. Budget is a couple hundred US$. Might go up if I start doing this seriously, but that will happen later -- I need to see if, once I have the equipment, that I actually use it. Haven't decided between grawk's suggestion of Church Audio microphones or go straight to serious binaural microphones like Dallas Simpson uses. (I believe he uses DPA 4060's, which are a clone of something else, some well-known brand, and are very good.) But I'm thinking the latter is not a good idea with my allergies, as I make a lot of noise (straightening throat, coughing, sniffling, etc.), and he sticks them straight in his ears and walks around with them. I don't necessarily need a one-button or built-in mic approach, but I need an all-encompassing approach -- I.E. everything needs to fit in one bag, so that I can remember to just grab that one bag. But yes, a one-button, built-in mic approach would definitely satisfy that criteria. The cool sound was: they were doing some construction in the garage, and had left one of those large ventilation fans running. A piece of plastic tarp must have been waving near it, because a harmonic (7th, I think) of the fundamental of the fan was fading into and out of existence. I think it's the 7th for a very specific reason -- that's a particularly eerie harmonic to hear. It's utilized in one of the Prophet 5 patches with which I am familiar. It was particularly musical. Sounded like something a musician would try to accomplish on purpose, and it was just there. Or it might be the 7th harmonic of the 2nd harmonic (in other words, pretend the fundamental was really a divide-down subharmonic of the fundamental), since the fundamental was already pretty low.
  8. No, actually, from the brochure (very end), it appears none of them are, so ... I have no idea.
  9. IIRC, they didn't announce vid record capability with 3.0, so I would assume not.
  10. I actually liked the previous episode ("Man on the Street") best so far.
  11. I believe the biggest difference is that the Prestige line is transmission line loaded and horn based, whereas the Dimension line is more traditionally reflex loaded.
  12. No deal -- moot.
  13. I think they've always come with multiple impedances -- I have an older one that's 600 ohm.
  14. My Brightest Diamond, Bring Me the Workhorse -- finally catching up with this FOTM from several months ago, and -- dang! I really like this! There's something subliminally Black Sabbath on herbal tea about it that I just can't put my finger on.
  15. It's a female. That's a lot of detail for merely a silhouette.
  16. Doesn't the BlacX already do SATA? So all you want is IDE, right? Or is what you want one that will do either? Because the problem is, the slots need to be hard-wired for one or the other, neh? EDIT: Although not impossible -- I would recommend you go to the second-most convenient form-factor, namely, drawer- or cartridge- or caddy-based.
  17. Possibly contingently.
  18. Actually, I like the way it looks. Not as much as the BHSE -- it's a completely different look -- it kind of looks like a black-and-tan version of some of the Musical Fidelity gear. So he did it. And without killing himself. I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  19. I'll put on my wizard balaklava and gown.
  20. What were they thinking? That the squeal was air pressure? Or friction?
  21. Why does p. 406 have a "And Flavors" subsection?
  22. That sucks. Yes, eschew Monster. They used to have their own lines -- "Rat Shack gold" or something (yes, even the optical was called gold). I looked on their site -- looks like they don't have it no mo'.
  23. Ah, is good to be politically incorrect. Nazdarovya!
  24. It really brings it together!
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