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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Sweet. Do report when you get it. That would be like the perfect coffee table book for me.
  2. (shrug) I just googled. I would presume it's fine. Your PC is probably more vulnerable than their site.
  3. Well, that might be a deal, depends on the price -- you got a link?
  4. I'll probably go down and grab the iPod and put on the Penumbra disk in a minute -- RIYL Virgin Black, methinks.
  5. Sakura Matsuri T-shirt, 3 dollars. I also saw this T-shirt...but it's intended for girls, they didn't have any in my size:
  6. Yeah, that one. Not necessarily for me, but if anyone else wants to buy it, the link'd be helpful. So thanks!
  7. If I made something like that, people would go, "whoa, you made a Papier-m
  8. I just tried the link -- it didn't work -- what link did you use?
  9. Did you mean: mixers?
  10. Reports were that he was packed for a standoff. I'm just glad he didn't last any longer than he did. Still...tragic.
  11. What about mounting it externally? Just in case you run out of room...
  12. Yeah, they definitely cranked it up a notch. I dig it, definitely. Oh, whoops, it just started up again I guess I'm going to have to listen to it again
  13. You're right, I didn't even see that far left one as being involved, but it comes whipping around pretty fast.
  14. The Gathering - The West Pole Later will be: Jan Garbarek, Rites Ephel Duath, Through My Dog's Eyes Ephel Duath, Painter's Palette
  15. Ah. And here I was thinking you were doing a classic troll.
  16. It'll take a little digging -- they'll have a different shirt on the front page, you'll have to find it. I think it might be this, but confirm before you buy. Oh, and you might want to join now.
  17. Oh, your 204th post in this thread. Yeah, I saw thing that sparked the whole discussion, didn't know what it was. Didn't know when I posted the comment, but I'm pretty sure Chris was right -- it's a golf club.
  18. The more I watch this, the more I'm convinced it's fake. Watch the door that hits him from behind, it burst before it even hits him, and it barely touches his butt. Which is hardly hard enough to break glass. Yes, there's the theory that it warps to the point of breaking, but it hardly warps at all, too. It almost looks like it's "blown" in classic Hollywood style, with the charges in the frame, part of which falls off.
  19. a pair of Church mics and preamp
  20. No, I'm just not sure what it has to do with:
  21. Don't tell me! Argh! Spoilers!
  22. Sound advice.
  23. Aw.
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