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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I would think the girl does.
  2. ...with the occasional Deus ex Machina.
  3. There's only one girl in the blue jacket! :rimshot:
  4. Classic.
  5. Have you tried taking infrared pics of any gear yet?
  6. You mean the dynamic playlist genius?
  7. I don't think that's the same girl.
  8. Not today but Saturday I went to Sakura Matsuri -- lots of people, and I got to listen to & meet my first J-Pop star, Ai Kawashima:
  9. Well, I just flipped through every track on the Dark Knight soundtrack, and none of them start with the same thing that that one starts with, so it must be something else by Hans Zimmer and/or James Newton Howard -- Batman Begins, perhaps? I don't know. EDIT: Ah, indeed it is:
  10. "Needs" was pretty intense.
  11. Yeah, but at least "Captain Subjective" was new and funny -- made me smirk, anyway. So he gets a brownie point for that.
  12. Man, if it would just vacuum up after the kitty, too, it'd be perfect.
  13. Did you get a good deal on it?
  14. Yeah, it was (directed at you). I'll give a listen to Dark Knight later today and make sure it's that, then. And: 3 hour version? More like 8+ hours (I tend to listen to all 3 together).
  15. Ich Habe Genug - Bach, American Bach Soloists -- I have no idea if this is a good performance, I'm getting it for my mother, and since Magnatune offers it, I thought I'd give it a listen -- seems adequate, guess I will. I think she wants it played at her funeral or something.
  16. No, it's something I listened to recently, so it's either LotR or Dark Knight.
  17. I spent the day with relatives. I thought that was a myth?
  18. Part of "complicated" being "crowded", I believe. So whoever's doing the work has to work in much tighter quarters.
  19. Anyone here doing a Microsoft-based HTPC? Just curious what software you choose and why? Choices seem to be (from Engadget poll): ArcSoft TotalMedia Theater Corel WinDVD 9 PowerDVD 8 Ultra SlySoft AnyDVD HD Blu-Ray is a must, and HD-DVD would be nice, though I don't expect to use it (I have the capability, don't intend to track down the software, but if I see some for cheap and have the ability, why not?). Yes, I can google, and have, and will some more, but wouldn't mind hearing from the peanut gallery.
  20. Damnit, I don't think I can learn to read Japanese in 1-2 hours.
  21. Dew et.
  22. Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush, Live
  23. here
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