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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. When? If. Grawk -- on the iPhone? Not so much at all, ackshully.
  2. No money from Christians, but from Nerd collector/fanboi types, I'm in the Money!
  3. So back to my question: confirmation? Source? I've been following, I've seen nothing.
  4. In her defense, if what she meant was, they should pick one name and stick with it, it would make the bureaucracy run more smoothly. If you read the article, the context of the statement was: I mean, I realize it's a cultural thing, but in the US, we're used to having one name. EDIT: If you watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9hdVUzMeDw ...she explicitly says, "I'm not talking about changing your names". (3:45 mark)
  5. (inspects) ... (turns over, tries different angles) ... (inspects some more) Nope. Looks like a snowball, pretty much.
  6. Is there a horse in it?
  7. I want a bluetooth keyboard!
  8. I just found a huge fucking Nerd in my box of Nerds. I'm going to sell it on eBay -- I'll be rich!
  9. I thought Landscape was already a choice (as long as the app is in landscape before you invoke the keyboard)? That said, landscape is hardly a choice -- I thought he meant Bluetooth.
  10. Is that a promise? I don't remember anything about that. Source?
  11. Yay! I dub the game, "Guess My Wood".
  12. Maybe they have caps lock on?
  13. I have deliberately (just to get a reaction out of a certain salesperson whom I have come to appreciate, albeit not necessarily his sense of humor) demoed equipment with Controlled Bleeding.
  14. Garnered a brownie point at work (yay!).
  15. I dub thee, "Reverse Salmon Guy".
  16. Cool, thanks for the heads-up! Me: can't stop listening to the Ghost in the Shell soundtracks. The Ballade of the Puppets suite and the suite from the first one (Making of a Cyborg/Ghost City/Reincarnation) are getting lots of plays.
  17. Actually, that's Private Perspective.
  18. He can't respond now, because that will screw up his post count.
  19. Those that are willing to actually pay for mp3's are willing to pay more for them?
  20. I'm going to have to preview these with different headphones -- I'm not hearing shit with this Leatherhead.
  21. Actually, the Stingray is supposed to be a good amp for them (haven't tried this combination, will), and I've used Musical Fidelity.
  22. I'm explicitly not talking about clipping distortion, though sibilance is often emphasized by such (so if it has clipping distortion and/or is badly mastered AND has bad sibilance, then please feel free to post it here). I'm talking about sibilance (mostly in the 2-10 kHz region, it seems). I'm trying to think of a really good example, but if I could, then I wouldn't need this thread. I usually hear it most in earlier pop (pre-1970) recordings. And yes, what I am looking for is mostly human speech sibilance -- like a mic without a windscreen type sound.
  23. Dusty Chalk

    CanJam 2009

    Oh, c'mon, just one? What are you making, liverwurst? But that's because you keep letting them go bad -- maybe if you actually froze some of them and refrigerated the rest, they'd last longer.
  24. We all complain about sibilant gear, but microphones and associated gear can put the sibilance right on the source, so tell me about some of your ...erm... favorites? I'll tell you why I'm asking later. Doesn't matter if the music is good or bad, I'm more interested in the acoustic properties of the recordings.
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