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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Dollhouse. Nice bit of sideways story-telling with this week's episode (A Spy in the House of Love).
  2. I had the Split Enz on random earlier today, plus Ai Kawashima (or whatever her name is)'s album.
  3. QFT And: nice job Smeggy bean!
  4. I don't know about the rest of you, but I hunters and huntresses.
  5. It'll be the blackest silence he's ever heard. Actually, he's right, you don't want to actually be using the battery, you want to use it to recharge -- unless you have one of those devices that you can use while recharging (like a phone or an iPod). Unless it has a pass-thru...looks like it has two ports...but it looks like they're both used for charging, one for charging other things, the other for charging this thing.
  6. Moar lemons!
  7. He sounds like the Magyver of amp-building.
  8. I swear by the First Church of Defenestration.
  9. Have you heard any of the early stuff?
  10. Dusty Chalk

    CanJam 2009

    A hardcore moocher (e.g. a cat) would not only take the bed, but kick you out as well.
  11. ...and spiders.
  12. Awesome. I love you guys.
  13. Dusty Chalk

    CanJam 2009

    I really don't understand how having a king-size bed counteracts room-mooching. Decrees, on the other hand...
  14. Is it something that a little notch filter could take care of?
  15. That was AWESOME!
  16. Oh, shit, didn't even think of that. (wanders off to order 3)
  17. What's it for, any USB-powered device?
  18. Awesome -- I love your jump-right-back-into-the-fray attitude. Whom did you go to see the most (me: would've been Lacuna Coil -- they are AWESOME live).
  19. OMG, chastened somewhat? HIS BLOG
  20. Yeah, no doubt she's being a prick -- "I understand it's a difficult language" -- obviously being sarcastic. But he's arguing that the law be more lenient to Chinese people -- sorry for taking the minority stance -- but he's wrong. She's asking him to go off and come up with a solution, but I don't think that's the right one. I think the right one is that if one has more than one name, there needs to be a way for the system to handle it. I realize that's more work for everyone involved (both the bureaucrats and the people with multiple names), but it's the right one. Of course, I live and work in a world where I have to explain in triplicate every time I fill out a form that I don't have a middle name. In my world, there's a place on most forms that says, "other names or aliases you have gone by". And no, I don't work for the penal system, though sometimes it feels like it.
  21. We'll see -- I remain skeptical. I would think that they would have singled it out if it was in the plan.
  22. When? If. Grawk -- on the iPhone? Not so much at all, ackshully.
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