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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Have we had this thread yet? I found humanflyz' short whisk(e)y one, but not a whole lot of talk. I need to expand my palette, so where should I go? Also, any recommendations on reading/online sites? Wine Advocate/Spectator? Others?
  2. SO SAY WE ALL, MOTHERFUCKER! alright, maybe a little pent up
  3. We can be a bit random.
  4. There is nothing pent up about our disdain.
  5. Flamenco duets done rock'n'roll -- if you like "Friday Night in San Francisco" and rock'n'roll (they cover Metallica & Led Zeppelin and the like, though usually sticking with originals, but then they have it produced by rock producers), you'd like.
  6. Post your specs, if I have any memory lying around that you can use, you're welcome to it.
  7. Rodrigo y Gabriela, Live in Japan -- this is the best
  8. I'm already taking Astelin and Nasonex.
  9. Buggati, apparently: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70PA6y3DPtc
  10. The "no sound" trick? Or are you referring to something else?
  11. "Obliviated"? Is that like obviating something into oblivion?
  12. I only noticed that recently, although I heard that bit like way long ago. Mostly because I used to drive faster than most everyone else.
  13. They forgot the one: people who drive normal, hellblazers that drive too fast and tailgate, slowpokes who drive to slow and are in the way.
  14. One day only thing. $35 was the best deal on them, but I think I saw them for not much more elsewhere on the web when I went to compare prices. Let me know if you can't find anything, and I'd be happy to google it for you.
  15. Prescription drugs Allegra-D, to be specific. This stuff is working great for my allergy symptoms.
  16. Atom, Liedgut
  17. :prettyprincess:Yay, DT770!:jbl:
  18. Which means everyone is eating today. Alright, half of everyone, but that's still a lot of people.
  19. Pretty easy to dance to -- just sway back and forth slowly, nothing fancy. Great song. Eternal, though (wedding dance -wise), if you're not going to dance-dance, then you should stick to something 3 minutes long.
  20. Dusty Chalk

    CanJam 2009

    Someone who's going, please yell at Beyerdynamics for their eBay auctions -- I can't believe that the company itself would sell things with no returns, no warranties, and not at least claim they work.
  21. You probably marked it for offline reading. :\
  22. Unfortunately, I have no business with UPS today, so instead, I went to a friend's to help him celibrate his Easter by eating his food, drinking his beer (not really, but my intentions were good), and contributing to about a dozen feet stomping on his carpet. Good times.
  23. J&R has them for 99.99, but that'd still be an excellent entry into SACD/DVD-Audio.
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