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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Someone needs to post those on the "hot or not" website.
  2. Epica, The Classical Conspiracy
  3. ! Will do...thanks...
  4. You touch my ding ding dong... Seriously: what is the G for?
  5. At least they posted in the right thread.
  6. Nice trying to sneak that by us...
  7. That's awesome. I'm going to send that one to my ex, she hates squirrels, they're always eating seeds in her garden.
  8. Dude's a fucking cat. And it's even cooler, because I just got finished watching this recently: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxF_EY4wW2U ...which is painful to watch beyond maybe 45 seconds or so. (It's basically a faceplant/assplant/elbowplant/kneeplant/fullbodyplant compilation.) Back to Danny -- someone needs to send him a picture of what is affectionately known to DC-ers as the "toilet bowl building" in Tysons Corner: ...I'd be curious what he'd do with it. (Does embedding flicker images work?)
  9. I got through about 15 seconds of that. And no, I've never heard of Fred before.
  10. Fred? Fred who?
  11. You obviously have no eye for talent.
  12. Hey may have been confused -- there is supposed to be a corresponding receiver coming out soon, perhaps that was meant?
  13. Fucking brilliant. "...on the sea..." / "that means the ocean"
  14. What about that one where you had to arrange mirrors and refractors to get light beams to their destination? I loved that one (though you can only play it once). Anyone remember what the name of that one was? I need to go replay it, to see if having done it once several months ago, I can do it again without getting stumped this time.
  15. You're trolling, right? Most of us haven't heard most of those amps.
  16. Well yeah, that's pretty much a remix of it.
  17. Home: 20/5
  18. Annotation overload: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIcfYxn0dK0 (Plus the insanity of U.N. Owen Was Her. I need more music like this.) Also:
  19. Yes, I know I have it backwards, but that's intentional -- and the question. Is there a way to modify the ER4s to give it ER4p capability? Say perhaps by splicing it above the resistor and having two plugs, one of 100 ohms, the other of 27 ohms? Or perhaps by putting a resistor in parallel instead of in series? (Not sure why you would do this, unless you really didn't want to throw away that resistor.) And then it would be what, 37 ohms, right? Yes, I am looking at Fitz' ad.
  20. In car: Lacuna Coil on random -- the new album fits right in with their other stuff, I don't see what all the hoopla is about. At work: Still on LotR At home: my cat purring
  21. Bananas, a couple bottles of wine, fruit cup, and two ultra-homogenized chocolate milks.
  22. I thought you meant the analog outputs, since the context was HDMI -- I assumed you meant digital transmission from the Oppo to the Integra. So what am I missing?
  23. "manual raid array". Software consists of "cp -r", or you can use the drag'n'drop interface on Windows or Mac.
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