Depeche Mode, Sounds Of The Universe -- meh. No song distractingly bad, but no song attention-gettingly good, neither.
(Dave and Martin are in a room together, alone. They have just received a recording from their stable of musicians which is intended to be the backing tracks to what will eventually become "Wrong". One of them starts playback.)
Dave (smirks, singing loudly against the quiet): Wrong!
(the groovier music starts)
Dave (speaking under his voice): Oh, this is alright.
(singing): I was in the wrong the wrong time...with the wrong girl...
Martin (smirks)
Martin (stops smiling): No, no, wait, stop it, start it over, I got it.
(One of them does so. Martin scribbles furiously, hands paper to Dave.)
Dave (singing): I was born under a wrong sign the wrong house...
(Martin continues writing while Dave is singing, only slightly ahead of him.)
Dave (singing): ...with the wrong ascendancy...
(Andy walks in, listens for a bit, serious. Dave and Martin continue with this "one-joke" lyric bit.)
Andy: Hey, that's pretty good.