Gojira w/The Chariot, Car Bomb, GI9, Separation, and Wisteria (in more or less reverse order, me thinks) -- missed the first three (the last three listed); Car Bomb -- not my thing, although the drummer was fantastic (he played a little without accompaniment during sound check and sounded like friggin' Gavin Harrison); The Chariot -- really not my thing -- HATED it; Gojira were friggin' awesome. Tight (which one has to be with some of those stop-starts and changes), sounded great (some of the older songs sounded better live than they did on record), and you could tell everyone was having a blast. During this one grand section of one of the songs, the bassist just had this huge blissful ear-to-ear grin on his face -- it was contagious. The drummer and the guitarists were on, and Joe Duplantier sounded great on every single fucking song. First night of their first headlining tour in North America, and they got everything right -- I forgot what a pleasure it is to see a show without technical difficulties.
Oh, and hotties friggin' everywhere. It must be something about the French.