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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. T-shirts -- Quick Fox, Sacred Cowl, Electronica.
  2. Just to set things in perspective, I'm pretty sure I've seen all of the SFW ones, and none of the NSFW ones, though I have heard of them. It takes a great deal of effort. One is barraged by them every day (or so it seems). I might have seen the Meatspin one.
  3. Dude, stereo's the future, surround is a niche market. (Admittedly, a niche market I may well be a part of, but a niche market all the same.) I like your ideas, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter, but I think what you're describing is a pre-pro, not a DAC.
  4. 5 years is pretty generous.
  5. I like samsung and dell, and viewsonic is supposed to be good too, but is usually more expensive by a notch than the competition, and I hardly ever see it on sale.
  6. I onion. Especially sweet onions. But if I want something to have a little bit of a bite to it, I don't mind the ones with bite, I just can't eat them straight. One of my favorite onion experiences was when McDonald's had a sandwich of the month club (basically, an excuse to try a different recipe out every month or so), and they had this caramelized onion cheeseburger that was just an order of magnitude better than anything else they had on their menu before or since. I basically went there every day or so until the offer expired. They musta found out that it wasn't financially feasible, because it should have been profitable the way I ate it. And every single time, the onions came out perfectly caramelized. I have no idea how they did it, because I have since found out how hard it is to caramelize something. Oui, monsieur. Merci Beaucoups in advance.
  7. LOL, never seen "Hitler Plans Burning Man".
  8. I don't get it either. Is it a dominance thing? They try to make you feel inferior, so you buy something from them to suck up to them? Doesn't work -- I buy things I want, or I don't. Oh, and yes: unexpected punchline for the win.
  9. Tell me about it. It's nice that you got your birthday wish!
  10. WIth digital filters, more or less yes (I.E. that is, depending what you do with them, which in this case, is well within what they are being used for). Someone wanna confirm/deny? I can stand to learn more in this area, as it's an area that interests me.
  11. I think it's intended to be, yes.
  12. Dusty Chalk

    CanJam 2009

    My attitude towards multi-thousand dollar headphones would be the same as Vicky's -- no way in hell I'm trusting complete strangers to them...er...trusting them to complete strangers. Someone whom I trust would be accountable for it at all times.
  13. Latest internet meme I don't understand #87: "Gets down" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoKRBMmGD7Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP5c_MEs9mo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIvVdiSNM4M
  14. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck. Okay, I'm finally drawn to the dark side. WANT. Nao. Bastid.
  15. Usually I find white chocolate to be just a little bit too cloying, but somehow this is fine.
  16. Wow, it goes 85 past 11!
  17. I'd have to go back and listen to the others -- I'm actually not that familiar with Isis (as much as I remember liking them [in other words, I remember liking them a lot, but not why]). I think In the Absence of Truth made my year-end list that year.
  18. Hippo birdy!
  19. Whoa. Angry poppies.
  20. Earlier: Isis, Wavering Radiant -- I have to agree with Dark Angel about this, it's really good, top 3 of the year, methinks. I love the use of electric piano against metal. Later: Depeche Mode, Sounds of the Universe
  21. Condolences.
  22. Plastic Tree, Kuro Tent 2 DVD -- I love this so much. Definitely my kind of music.
  23. 's'awesomer.
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