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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Best idea yet -- then add a thermochromic element to the casing. And then add a chaotic factor for opalescence.
  2. Desperate Housewives is still on, and Dollhouse is hanging by a thread after one short season? There is no justice in the world. TeeVee sucks! Fuckity fucking fuck fuck. I'm going to back to boycotting TeeVee.
  3. You have a source for this? I mean, it'd also be better to buy an entire dCS stack for 10% retail, but I don't think too many of us are going to do that in this lifetime.
  4. Dusty Chalk


    Dew et.
  5. (googles "black-chrome (peep-hole OR door-viewer)")
  6. Don't remember. IIRC, it's all bass stuff, right? But that's all I remember.
  7. They're playing locally on Tuesday. I'm afraid I'm going to miss it.
  8. My mom & myself dinner.
  9. By bad I mean terrible and outrageous. Yes, I laugh, pretty much every time.
  10. Agreed -- other than the WANT MOAR NAO part -- it was sufficiently climactic, but felt more like a season finale than a show finale.
  11. Yup. Unless, of course, you need a DAC.
  12. Dollhouse -- nice way to end the season. WANT MOAR NAO.
  13. Did you actually fill out any of the profile information correctly? A lot of my recommendations come from high school and previous jobs and whatnot (one person, in particular, with whom I actually have two things in common -- high school and job -- keeps coming up, though they are the wrong year for both). Otherwise, yeah, it would be friends of your friend.
  14. Correct. This is about as racy as we get.
  15. So is it as bad, or worse than Cyanide and Happiness?
  16. They're not using HDMI for HDMI. From the quick-start guide (PDF):
  17. Hey, Chris, do you run your DEQ2496 digitally, or analog-ly? I have an aversion to Behringer, so am thinking of getting the Alesis DEQ230 or DEQ230D, and am pretty sure I want to go digitally, since I am unconfident as to the quality of Alesis' DAC's (I know the ones in the Masterlink are fine, just not sure about the DEQ230). I'm pretty sure you mentioned the Behringer's DACs before, but you've been talking about DACs a lot lately, so am wondering if maybe you've updated your approach since then.
  18. Congratulations on the son-in-law. Hope you had a wonderful time.
  19. I'd like one that...uh...never mind, I'll PM you...
  20. Wait, it's only $299?
  21. I'm seriously considering becoming John Travolta in "The Boy in the Plastic Bubble" -- at least for the 6-8-ish hours / day of sleep I get. My allergies are so bad, I actually consider "sinus drip" to be a part of my daily caloric intake.
  22. I don't think they tell the same story twice for anything.
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