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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Alright, it wasn't this bad, but I laughed. Hard.
  2. Dusty Chalk


    Plus, they're soft. Teefury has heavier duty shirts, but Woot has superiority on softness.
  3. Dusty Chalk


    You know, sometimes their descriptions are just plain daft, but I particularly enjoyed this one. I mean, instead of getting all technical, they just took what was going to be the definitive misinterpretation of things, and embraced it.
  4. Dusty Chalk

    CanJam 2009

    I Denny's. (But not their waffles -- their French Toast is surprisingly good, though.)
  5. Not permanently you didn't. (Not that that's a bad thing -- we like StevieO.) And: don't know.
  6. Focal Grande Utopia EM: There used to be a magazine, I think it was called Audio -- they had the greatest gear porn.
  7. There were words between those gorgeous pictures, I'm sure of it. My peripheral vision caught some of it. Something about software and whining, I think.
  8. Humphrey's Half Moon Inn is the shit (in the colloquial sense). They have concerts there, so make sure you know and like what's playing the nights you'll be staying. I was fortunate enough to see both Tracy Chapman and George Carlin there. Also, make a trek up to Lou's in Encinitas.
  9. Dusty Chalk

    CanJam 2009

    That is a thing of beauty.
  10. Excellent, thanks! My faith is restored.
  11. I really enjoy those The Website Is Down videos. There's another one that's equally entertaining.
  12. Been really getting into Dir en Grey lately. Shitchyeah -- thanks for the bump. I forgot this thread was even here. Geezin' sucks. (makes a mental note to breathe)
  13. ! Maybe that's the one I was trying to think of in other thread... And seriously, ‽ WTF are you doing, listening to trad jazz? You're supposed to listen to stuff I've never heard of...you got company over or whut?
  14. Anyone know anything about this (eSlick Ultra Thin eBook Reader w/ built in MP3 Player + Free PDF Creator)? As in, any good? PDF converter any good? No, I'm not getting one, but am curious.
  15. (tries to think of a double-entendre that hasn't been thought of already...doesn't...resorts to just wiggling eyebrows suggestively)
  16. He's going to be docked points for that.
  17. I never did figure that out, so I just did everything.
  18. Kind of like swamped, except in the past tense completive (?). Also, with more of a sense of chaos, and more of a sense of "can't see the forest for the trees". I had been going to school continuously for my entire life at the point that I graduated (to the point of even going to summer school at the end of high school so that I could graduate a year early, and in less than a month started college). So yeah, the first couple of years of no school were kind of a relief. That Denzel rumor is a little bit of an exaggeration -- yes, we lived together, but nothing happened. And one could do worse than Denzel's leftovers.
  19. Dusty Chalk

    CanJam 2009

    Or you actually get the 2 hours, which become 4, then 6, you fall asleep and miss your flight for that reason. The rest is the same, though.
  20. I'm pretty sure that's in the works. Everyone seems to think there will be a 32G version. I want my bluetooth keyboard!
  21. New pair of walking shoes -- the previous pair(s) were shrinking. :\
  22. Yes, you are. I've been out of college for over 20 years -- still miss it. (Well, alright, I didn't miss it the first couple years, but that was only because I was jungled.)
  23. Complete LotR -- I could listen to "The Passing of the Elves" on repeat (the one with the vocal harmonies).
  24. I have to admit when I saw it, I just assumed it was about as big as the others I've seen. I didn't order any because I bought several of the larger ones, and still haven't used them all. I only paid $20-25, but I don't remember the name of the store, will have to ask...
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