Me, too. I my eMusic subscription.
Well, if I search for it now, it doesn't come up (at least, not on the first page):
Neko Case mp3s, Neko Case music downloads, Neko Case songs from
Neko Case And Her Boyfriends mp3s, Neko Case And Her Boyfriends music downloads, Neko Case And Her Boyfriends songs from
(...and similarly when I search on "Middle Cyclone", and scroll down to albums, it doesn't come up on the first page there.)
I mean, obviously your link works, I can see that, it just didn't come up when I did a cursory search for it. I should probably write them about that, because if it's not coming up for someone like me -- who is probably at least in the top 50th percentile of computer-savvy people -- then who knows what it's doing for "lesser" people (no offense, present company excluded, &c.).