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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I just looked again, got as far as: and ...and that's as far as I got.
  2. I more or less agree with that, but I would add that international attendees should probably get preference over domestic attendees at that last step -- to save on international shipping and potentially customs and tarriffs and taxes (oh, my!) and whatnot.
  3. (insert clever perpetual motion machine reference here)
  4. Me, too. I my eMusic subscription. Well, if I search for it now, it doesn't come up (at least, not on the first page): Neko Case mp3s, Neko Case music downloads, Neko Case songs from eMusic.com Neko Case And Her Boyfriends mp3s, Neko Case And Her Boyfriends music downloads, Neko Case And Her Boyfriends songs from eMusic.com (...and similarly when I search on "Middle Cyclone", and scroll down to albums, it doesn't come up on the first page there.) I mean, obviously your link works, I can see that, it just didn't come up when I did a cursory search for it. I should probably write them about that, because if it's not coming up for someone like me -- who is probably at least in the top 50th percentile of computer-savvy people -- then who knows what it's doing for "lesser" people (no offense, present company excluded, &c.).
  5. That's weird, when I searched for it (on eMusic), it didn't show up.
  6. I'd have to do the math, but I think that even beats my eMusic subscription... There are some flavors of the month on there (Neko Case, Metric)...I.E. the selection is not necessarily crappy... (wanders off, does math) ...alright, maybe not, my eMusic subscription is ~USD$0.266666667/song (75/$20), so Fantasies if half that, but they don't even offer Middle Cyclone, so...there are options...
  7. There's your problem right there. One doesn't say 'stupid' out loud. You mean, besides me?
  8. Official loaner program?
  9. X2. Fucking swindle, but I'm an Oldfield whore, so...there ya go. Of just the original album, I have: 2xvinyl standalone album 1xboxed I believe it is in its entirety in the Elements box set original CD version (whatever the first issue that came out way back in the early 80's was) silver booklet version (I might have two copies of that) the HDCD version the SACD version Now this. Did Boxed ever come out on CD? I think I have that. ...and I think that's it. Are there other versions? Oh, and a T-shirt (the black one, of course)
  10. I think that report is faked.
  11. Hoo. Fucking. Ray. And I mean that with absolutely zilch sarcasm.
  12. Not likely -- they even have a preset on the Clavia Nord Modular to synthesize record crackle, it's probably something like that or a sample. It's the audio equivalent of scratched celluloid.
  13. You bought a molecule? EDIT: Oh, HF2, nice.
  14. I want to know why there was a sheep at 0:20.
  15. If there isn't, let me know, I'll start writing one. My friend has been bugging me to write a "killer app" to make "us" "rich".
  16. Yes. Preferably with a slight drunken slur, and perhaps a bit of one's accent creeping through.
  17. Might as well post this while we're still on page one: The epitome of conspicuous consumerism, I give you...
  18. Hey, do you know what? It's still a fucking Grado.
  19. I believe Yello are in my top 20 favorite artists of all time.
  20. Looks like Apogee.
  21. Album of the year for me, so far. Top 3 at least.
  22. It's still a fucking Grado.
  23. I Voivod -- all phases of them. The early rough phase, the middle more proggy phase, and the more recent back-to-old-school-rough phase. Nothingface was the pinnacle of what me and a friend started calling "alterna-metal". Love that album. Catscratch -- I own and love about half that list, I'm going to have to at least hear the other half.
  24. Play with position a lot, I remember that being crucial with those.
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