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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. But the bagels are comfiest.
  2. It strikes me as a bit premature.
  3. Without actually hearing it for myself, I couldn't say. And I wouldn't even conjecture why until I had my own opinion on whether or not it was a true needledrop or not.
  4. I think you're supposed to read it in context.
  5. Mike Oldfield, miscellaneous tracks: The Trap, Orchestral Hergest Ridge, Taurusses (Tauri?) 1, 2 & 3, QE2/finale', etc.
  6. I'm going to stop bothering to post hard-drive deals from NewEgg -- anyone who's looking for something computer-related knows to monitor these and this, right? I mean, like right now I see a Hitachi internal 1TB for US$80! (And PS the shell-shocker is going to change half-way through the day.) And there's a Seagate 1.5TB for US$130, I think. Or you could just go to the hard-drive page and click on "all hard-drive deals".
  7. Screw this, not in the mood, switched to Delia Gonzalez and Gavin Russom, The Days of Mars:
  8. Miles Davis, Complete Plugged Nickel
  9. I didn't see it, but I see it now. Nice catch! I shat bricks.
  10. Nudists on strike == clothed ==
  11. Depeche Mode, Mute Mix
  12. Hadn't noticed that, but now that it's been pointed out...I concur.
  13. It looks like a ragdoll -- it just sort of flops from the moment it departs the bike, before it even hits.
  14. Nothing.
  15. White elephant gift exchange?
  16. Tapping the Vein, Another Day Down -- Heather Thompson is still one of my favorite hard rock singers, mostly because she has a delicate girly-girl voice (I bet she has a great phone voice), that rocks out when necessary. Plus, it's my favorite kind of music -- synthy gothy hard rock (cf. Garbage, Curve, Stabbing Westward, et al).
  17. Dr. (when did he become a doctor?) Denis Leary - Why We Suck (excerpt)
  18. Probably my favorite keyboard cat video, because of the two teasers
  19. Susan Boyle shreds
  20. Ah, that's it. The four links that you posted, as well as the Middle Cyclone one you posted earlier, all work for me, but all state: They should let it show up in the search results though, just somehow flag it as unavailable for download -- perhaps by greying out the image or something.
  21. If I had a thousand dollars, I'd do it. That's weird, when I click on that link (same exact link I posted), I see exactly two entries, one under Live Performances (Live from Austin, TX), and another under compilation appearances...
  22. Very nice! Album-cover-worthy, even. How'd you get everyone else to disappear?
  23. Or just make so much money that she doesn't care. Alternatively -- just marry into or sleep with money. (cf. Hors du'Prix)
  24. Music of the Middle East In the Middle of the Night EP And the title to this one intrigued me: Naked: 12 Middle Eastern Drum Solos
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