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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Not with the Sony...
  2. Morphine is beyond good, thanks for the reminder, I need to put their entire catalog on my iPod. Me: the tracks on Calexico's MySpace page.
  3. I'm pretty sure Grado is against the idea.
  4. I especially like the first one.
  5. I wonder if they'll sell the drivers separately?
  6. No, it's a horrible idea, for exactly the reason that Jacob stated. Me: iPod adapter for my car
  7. Dusty Chalk


    Bigot. Why can't other people have different tastes in music than you do?
  8. You know, this is so great. His voice even cracks the first time he says, "keyboard cat". I Daily Show.
  9. It is. I have several copies on SACD. You want to borrow some things? I have a killer SACD collection (link is out of date, and does not contain recent purchases). And yes, I'm serious. No charge, all I ask is that you take responsibility for them if they don't make it back kind of thing.
  10. Dusty Chalk


    I don't know if you'd be doing the world a favor by pissing off thousands of AC/DC fans...
  11. Combination scanner/shredder?
  12. ...to the both of you.
  13. A basement of victims? ...of fresh meat? ...of gullibility? An orgy of nymphs?
  14. Isn't that how Terry Kath (Chicago) died? "Don't worry, it's not loaded" == famous last words.
  15. "...It's important to have a job that makes a difference, boys. That's why I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination..." A basement of dunces? An index of illiterates*? *Those individuals who find it challenging to truly comprehend "reading". I forget where, but one thesaurus has "California" (or something close to it) as a synonym for compilation, collection, or aggregation or something. Considering how many members are Californians, I would think that that would be an appropriate use of the term for some subset of "all head-casers".
  16. Nice, I can almost smell the dampness of the wind.
  17. Win == being first at the meme; inventing it. Profit == having an enforceable trademark or copyright on said meme.
  18. FilmCow :: Charlie the Unicorn 3
  19. It's a meme, people. Fail == reusing the same thing; success == better and better iterations of the same thing.
  20. And another one with well-wishes for you and your family.
  21. Dusty Chalk


    Sweet. Yes, do please report back, impressions, etc. Someone went ahead and done dewed it.
  22. Shill.
  23. I am afraid that's ΨΦ -- I don't think Stax is even aware of Head-Fi.
  24. Theoretically possible, yes; likely, not so much.
  25. Moar Klaus Schulze: Beyond Recall
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