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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Philip Glass, Book of Longing -- will probably dump this pretty quick, as I can't handle vocals while at work.
  2. Like what, like what dCS do? They're one of the exceptions. Unless you're talking about something else.
  3. I'm pretty sure very few of them buffer the data. Think about lipsync issues with video -- I realize that's DVD not CD, but still...the only ones that buffer are the portable ones with anti-skip protection. I realize it's trivial to implement, but hardly any manufacturers -- that I know of -- do.
  4. I think it's well-known that it's over-sensitive, but I don't think Apple has admitted it officially.
  5. I wonder how many people check their moisture sensor when they first get it.
  6. Even Nathan Fillion liked it
  7. Not as annoying as the "science doesn't explain it yet, therefore it must not exist" camp.
  8. That is so awesome. He really does sound completely surprised. Nicely done everyone.
  9. bagels & cream cheese
  10. d-_-b d-o-b dx_xb
  11. x2 And did you see the list of sources? Literally dozens of movies.
  12. I'm hungry, I should go eat something.
  13. Why (does it get your goat)? So you're saying that unless the two cables were made exactly the same way, (braided, shielded, etc.) then you're going to use that as your explanation as to why they sound different, rather than the material?
  14. Yes, I do believe you are. Bastard. (wanders off to see if I can listen to it, also)
  15. Some combination of b & c, yes. Or perhaps you could talk to flecom about a second job. Can you run a mop? They're having a hard time finding people who want to run the mop, for some reason. I, unfortunately, only have 3 guitars, and none of any worth. Ditto "audio equipment". Certainly not enough to add up to a BHSE. Need to play win some scratchers.
  16. It's not?!?!? I thought the first run had a waiting list in hopes of people dropping out?
  17. Promotion for an amp that's already sold out: priceless.
  18. Prokofiev, Complete Transcriptions for Piano, Vinocour
  19. Dried blood? Try taking a shower once in a while.
  20. I disagree, been loving: Bond, Star Trek, Batman reboots...of course, it's about time they slipped up, so this could suck, too.
  21. Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source Hot New Video Game Consists Solely Of Shooting People Point-Blank In The Face | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
  22. Buffy reboot without Whedon -- this could be interesting. IMHO, it'll fail because of the strength of the fanbase, but disregarding Whedon's brilliant vision, I wouldn't mind seeing a darker version of the original movie.
  23. It'd be cool if someone were to make it into a lava lamp. Now that's a case mod I'd want to see.
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