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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Thanks for the impressions, guys.
  2. Wow, that's like the cutest monkey I ever did see. I didn't realize baby monkeys were so cute.
  3. Yeah, all amazon links do that -- don't worry, it's still legible.
  4. No, actually, I haven't heard that one before...I'll have to update my jokography...
  5. (a) I think you're confusing literal buttload with colloquial buttload, because colloquially, 1 buttload == 1 arseload. ( Even literally, I think your conversion factor is a bit outdated -- have you seen Keira Knightley's arse? Yeah, neither have I. (wanders off to image-google 'keira knightley's arse')
  6. Dusty Chalk

    CanJam 2009

    Way to kill a thread.
  7. We have enough fans, that I thought I'd start a thread. New song: Blue Lips. Jeff Lynne on production, pretty sweet. (See the comment about the echo, for example.)
  8. A diff is when you compare two files -- the program (diff) creates an output that can be used to create one out of the other. In the context that I'm using it, we're comparing multiple versions of the same file (e.g. the extant version with an older backup). A reverse diff ... is still a diff, but you just sort of have to think of it backwards: at the same time that you're comparing the two versions, you're modifying the older one to reflect the newer one, but now you want as output the diff that it would take to create the older version of the file from the newer one (the reverse of the one you would have gotten, had you just used the output of diffing the two). Which actually should be easy, because it's just reversing the order of the two files. Now I'm hungry for chips and chili con queso.
  9. "Re-edged"? Me: worked some -- reverse diffs are turning out to be the hardest thing about this project.
  10. Good call. See also microphone mounts. To wit: ...but I suspect that you want a "universal" something, as microphones and drum hardware tend to be standard sizes, so they only need the clamp on one of the two directions, the other can be "hard-coded". EDIT: Yeah, try this to get you started.
  11. Wait, I thought you were going?
  12. I'm really curious how they compare against the DT770.
  13. What the hell is this, "Universal Tower Speaker Can":
  14. That's just silly. Er...they have an "earphone driver" listed on their site...interesting...
  15. Hot is hot, it has nothing to do with cost. That said, B&W's Tiger's Eye burl finish gave me wood, back in the day:
  16. Dusty Chalk

    CanJam 2009

    Why couldn't you just take the balanced cable off the pre-production number and put it on the production number?
  17. Spendor ST: Hey, I'd be interested in masturbating to that old pile of magazines perusing them, if you determine that said box still exists. I'd pay shipping both ways and stuff. And/or buy them, if you're interested in letting them go.
  18. Translation: "they don't suck"?
  19. Health >> all (as to whether or not whiskey contributes to mental health, I'm going to have to abstain, as I'm a teetotaller and a poster child for dying early of heart disease) Yeah, but dreadhead very carefully said, "...as long as it conducts...", therefore rendering that joke moot. Believe me, I looked for that opening.
  20. I love her hair. It's "moar black". What did she do with/to it?
  21. I used to be similarly paranoid, but at the job I am at now, I have come to learn that there is no such thing as a purely proprietary file format, there's nothing that one can't program around. Now, whether or not I'll actually do that programming is another question...with the answer of "no" in most cases.
  22. Expect? No. Hope against hope? I remain eternally optimistic.
  23. Yeah, Sonus Faber have always looked the part. Their new "affordable" Liuto line: Or pretty much anything else they've done:
  24. Baconnaise is on sale at Amazon's Gold Box: Amazon.com Gold Box: New Deals. Every Day.
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