Well, if you're concerned, then you're concerned, I don't really have any advice on that. Other than: Get an LCD. LCD's aren't bad, per se, I just personally prefer plasmas. Also, you need to be able to darken your room pretty dark if you're going to get a plasma. Which I would be able to do. But if you can't, that's another vote towards LCD (don't know if LED's handle that yet -- I should check). At 8 hours/week, I wouldn't worry too much about it. That's relatively light use.
I will give you a little more context as to where I'm coming from, so that you understand my comment: I deliberately said I... I... I... because I was saying what I was doing as a data point (amongst many), not as "what you should do"/trying to influence you to do things the way I'm doing them, because I don't feel I am sufficiently knowledgeable about your situation to give you that strong advice. It might be a little high, but I would look at the LN46b6xx -- the 650, 630 or 610. Their retails are a little high, but the streets are typically lower. I prefer 120Hz to 60Hz (in LCD...plasmas don't provide that option). If you want to go even cheaper, look at the LN46B5xx -- 530, 540, 550.
PS Sony would be my third choice.
But what you really should do is go to a half decent store and go to them and actually look at some TV screens (from the distance from which you plan look at them at home). If they all look the same to you, then don't worry about it, and get the LG. If one of them stands out, then get that one.
Try zooming in here.
Don't go to Best Buy. I don't know why they're so fucked up, but I think it's the long cable runs, all their televisions look the same. I went to Belmont TV, myself.