AT L3000 Leatherhead (listening to these right now)
Grado PS-1
Stax SR-202
AKG K501
Sony MDR-CD3000
AKG K271 MkII -- I think, haven't listened to them in a while
Beyerdynamic DT770
Grado HP-2(-3?) -- wow, I didn't realize my tastes had changed so much that these had sunk so far -- it's not that I dislike them, they're just so different from everything else I have, that I have to be in a very specific mood to want to listen to them, and that mood has hit me less and less of late.
Sony MDR-F1 -- I really haven't listened to these in a while, don't even remember what they sound like
Ditto everything else (other Beyers -- DT931, DT990, something else, the blue metal limited Audio Technica from years ago)