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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. That was great. I love music like that.
  2. I can't wait for the robot-made Sennheisers with the trickle-down technology.
  3. Anyone know what he's talking about with "Matt" and "digital out from iPod"?
  4. Yeah, ditters -- there's a lot of that going around -- my housemate and two of my coworkers got it.
  5. Actually, it's not that big. I think it's 11x13.
  6. Depending on the frequencies, I could set up a standing wave.
  7. Maybe it's the "can't have" that makes it so appealing.
  8. I hate you all (for making me miss In-N-Out).
  9. Dusty Chalk


    I'm moving this to the games forum.
  10. If it's any consolation, I have the same problem (large master bedroom acts as bedroom, den, and living area). I use omnidirectional speakers more or less in the middle of the room.
  11. That's such a great image. Mine sticks its butt in my face, I'm not sure which is worse.
  12. No, if there's no price break, then I'll just worry about sourcing them myself when the time comes. I do appreciate the offer.
  13. I actually liked that whole show, might have to go back and watch some older shows. Any idea who he is on head-fi? I did a quick google for "tekzilla", but didn't find anything. We should invite him here.
  14. Yeah, it's a curve, not a point.
  15. AT L3000 Leatherhead (listening to these right now) Grado PS-1 AT VTG Stax SR-202 AKG K501 Sony MDR-CD3000 AT A950LTD AKG K271 MkII -- I think, haven't listened to them in a while Beyerdynamic DT770 Grado HP-2(-3?) -- wow, I didn't realize my tastes had changed so much that these had sunk so far -- it's not that I dislike them, they're just so different from everything else I have, that I have to be in a very specific mood to want to listen to them, and that mood has hit me less and less of late. Sony MDR-F1 -- I really haven't listened to these in a while, don't even remember what they sound like Ditto everything else (other Beyers -- DT931, DT990, something else, the blue metal limited Audio Technica from years ago)
  16. We're thinking Michael Hutchence repeat performance on another forum. That's why you should have a whore or fuck buddy or something when you have bizarre sex experiments like that -- "hey, if I appear to lose consciousness, cut me down immediately and make sure I start breathing, okay?" I know, it takes away from the spontaneity and thrill of it all, but hey, you get to live to do it again another day, so...that's good, right?
  17. I've met Ghost -- quite possibly the greatest cat ever. Drools, though. But that's because he's just so happy to see you.
  18. Jesus keh-rist, this triptych of Foxtrot/Nursery Cryme/Selling England by the Pound is so good, it sends chills up my spine.
  19. Bunch of fucking web pages -- jarsync, librsync, rdiff-backup, rsync, &c. Going blind, going to call it a night in a moment.
  20. Argh! He was here in February!
  21. I don't think it costs 1/3 more if you factor in shipping. I guess that depends on the shipping. And then we're also getting into Pico territory. And you're right -- I thought it had (non-USB) digital ins. My mistake.
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