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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. At $8 apiece, I was willing to gamble on them. link And yes, they are cheap Chinese knock-offs. I don't care, they already own the country, I figure I could float them a few bucks.
  2. 4 LED lightbulbs
  3. spritzer -- at least listen to it first, before dissecting it. I think you'll be surprised.
  4. Thanks for posting that, saved me from looking it up.
  5. Alright, just for clarity, judges will allow: Thumb down and hold note, streh-eh-eh-etch, pinky down and hold note. Because that's what I had to do to hit the 9th when I first started. Now I can play chords and shit, but I'd still have to "roll" them (though it's a lot less effort -- I don't need to think about where the notes are)...heck, I can probably hit a 10th now, the old way. Will have to try it at some point.
  6. I'd be in for a group buy, as I intend to get 4070's...eventually.
  7. Are you kidding? I loved the climax of Snowcrash.
  8. A 12th?!?!? I can manage a 9th (an octave plus a step), and consider myself to be reasonably dextrous.
  9. Jesus. You ever play guitar or piano? I'm going to start calling you "Marv".
  10. 's'truth.
  11. Abbey Road used HD600's and Grace headphone amps, I think.
  12. It definitely would be helpful giving advice if we knew what people already had. That said, I kind of hate introduction threads, so...no, that's not necessary. At least he was trying to participate, be on-topic, not trying to sell something, so...there ya go.
  13. It would probably cost you nothing to buy them, try them, then resell them.
  14. Well, from Nate's perspective that would make sense, but that doesn't explain mine. PS Of course, congratulations on the one-year anniversary, Nate.
  15. Pattern Recognition is the first thing by him I can say I fully enjoyed. I don't understand the ending to most of his novels. I disagree with Stephenson needing an editor. Tad Williams needs an editor, Stephenson is...well, one needs to just pace oneself differently, reading his work. I wouldn't pass up a two-page detailed nerdy analysis of how to eat Cap'n Crunch for anything, and I guarantee you, most editors would screw that up. Ditto the bug-feeding scene from the Baroque Cycle. I just wouldn't want to give up reading the smallest paragraph by him.
  16. The resampler is probably screwing it up -- HDCD requires bit-perfection.
  17. Yugh -- I much prefer Stephenson to Gibson.
  18. Jesus, has it already been a year?
  19. Hurray for going out and seeing them for yourself.
  20. Definitely.
  21. Dance of Death came out on DVD-A? What resolution? How're the dynamics, compressed?
  22. I got to hear the HD800's today for the first time. They're okay. Really amp-dependent, though. KG's statement about them being inductive and therefore not tube-friendly made me paranoid, though, so I have no idea if what I heard was real or induced, but it sounded better out of a NAD pre's headphone jack than a tube amp. I'll bring over one or two of my solid state amps next time (Creek OBH-11SE & the Headroom Desktop something that I just got from Morphsci).
  23. Actually, I came this close to ordering a NS/Stick a couple years back and learning how to play it. I am familiar enough with guitar to be able to play it by tapping, which, because I come from a keyboard background, is more intuitive then playing the classic two-handed style. Still haven't ruled it out, though. And yes, Tony Levin is amazing, but it's Greg Howard (whom I've seen live and conversed with) who really blows me away. Check out "Water on the Moon" -- a 60 minute unedited live solo Stick performance. He's the guy in the link you linked to, above. Oh, and obviously: Stanley Jordan, whom I've seen play live on multiple occasions. Thanks for the other recommendations as well, it's reassuring to hear a couple of familiar names (Michael Hedges -- whom I've had the pleasure of seeing live before his untimely passing -- and Michael Brooke); I'll check out the others.
  24. Stick with what you have, they're fine.
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