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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Oh, pshaw. Pshaw, I say.
  2. Well, yeah, there's a performance point below which it's just not worth doing, that goes without saying.
  3. I don't know that Pattern Recognition is necessarily the best Gibson book to start with, even though I liked it so much. What about The Difference Engine? That was my favorite work by him (although in that case, it wasn't him alone) before Pattern Recognition. Or what about the first bridge book, Virtual Light? I really like Dogfight, a short story of his, but I don't know how to tell you to read that alone, out of context. He's worth reading, he's just not my favorite of the genre.
  4. That's true too -- I rearranged my room so that the corners were actually taken up by large, heavy objects (bookshelves and dressers and record shelves and whatnot), that actually will help some. If you make the corners into more, lesser corners, that's a good thing. But in my case, I'm also a bass-head, so that helped, too. You could try hitting yourself in the back of the head with a shovel.
  5. Okay, I didn't realize it needed certain (hardware) capabilities, that's the key thing I was missing. I thought you could do it with anything. I stand corrected.
  6. Yeah, it's a function of the wavelength and the thickness of the foam, you're right. I don't know if Ethan Winer has the actual formula on his site, but it's discussed on there somewhere. link ...or you could just ask him -- he was very active on there the one time I went on there, and honestly admitted he didn't know a lot about sound proofing when we realized that that was what my question was ultimately about. He says he specializes in low frequencies, and loves to share his knowledge with DIYers so that they can do it themselves.
  7. So, I've seen some oblique references to "Duggeh's" surrounder (I think). What's the story? It's not like they don't exist. To wit: Zalman; Tritton; I'm pretty sure I've others.
  8. What? Some people prefer the rear entry. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  9. It's like a surround sound microphone, except with cameras.
  10. Well, there is no such thing as "Cuda hardware" -- accessing the GPU's in a video card can be done for any video card. It's just...a lot harder without the API. I think. Feel free to correct me.
  11. What about up towards the ceiling? ...corners are the most crucial, so this arrangement will be surprisingly effective. Also, check out Ethan Winer's Bass Traps, I'm sure he has the information somewhere on his site...okay, he doesn't even bother measuring below 50Hz...that's not a good sign......
  12. Yeah, and the "getting it working" thing, if it's not. (Although it sounds like, from the description that Afrikane gave, that it is.)
  13. Thanks for posting an update, I was about to ask. Time to investigate "room treatments". Sounds like you have a serious standing wave problem, and it's possible to solve that with fancy DSP-based room-correction, but not with simple EQ. Believe it or not, it's much easier to get consistent results by treating the room. I would start with the corners. Even something as simple (albeit expensive for "just foam") as the Auralex LENRD bass traps made an improvement in my old room.
  14. Are there any commercial products that actually utilize OpenCL yet? I thought it was just an API at this point. And just a minor correction: OpenCL does not "depend" on Cuda, I believe they're more like competition (I.E. they do the same thing in different ways [or possibly the same way, in Nvidia's case, since Nvidia hopped on the OpenCL bandwagon, it's just a matter of exposing a different API]).
  15. I finally got iPod connectivity in my car. Hooray! (Yes, Nate, remember when I asked you about that? I've been dealing with an FM transmitter ever since just before then. )
  16. Well, Neuromancer is considered by many to be his best, though I'll let catscratch speak to the "...multi-layered surrealistic and almost psychedelic narrative", as I'm not sure I understand nor necessarily agree with that statement. When I saw Stephenson speak the first time, he talked some about Cryptonomnomnomicon, and he realized (I forget whether it was part way through writing it or afterwards) that it didn't have any girls in it, so he threw one in, and realized afterwards that it sure came off as an afterthought. So if the criticism is against the girl, then I'd have a hard time arguing that that character was a bit...er...one-dimensional.
  17. Well, can you imagine: "Your heart rate is 86, and oh, by the way, that's a man...92...95...101...J/K...99...98...BTW U have a flutter. U see DR nao plz."
  18. Don't like the unchangeable battery, but other than that...yeah. Is this where they add the 9600M/9800M, or did they do that already? I was seriously considering the 17" MacBookPro option, but decided to hold out. Firewire is nice (Duet). Not sure about the price -- did it used to be US$2K or am I just imagining things?
  19. Moar Genesis. Lamb.
  20. If nothing else, it's deductible as a legitimate business expense.
  21. I think they're slightly less sensitive, I don't remember why, though. spritzer?
  22. Dieter and Boris do, indeed, rule.
  23. I drink orange juice, but I don't keep the music at arm's length. But I understand the analogy, maybe that's the appeal -- because I can appreciate music, even when listened to through an analytical system.
  24. 21?!?!? Yeah, that's terrible.
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