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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. What? No. I can't even figure out how to have them, much less extract them. I'll mention this to the midwife, though, maybe she ought to start up a side business (of inducing epiphanies).
  2. Yeah, South Park needs to be released on Blu-Ray.
  3. I don't think he was wrong for asking.
  4. And you're waiting on fixing that because why...?
  5. Yesterday, I was given an induced epiphany (not as painful as it sounds, I actually kind of enjoyed it). Today, I made great headway as a result.
  6. Dark Knight! Friggin' reference quality. Blade Runner, too ("Final Cut").
  7. I saw a Hitachi or something for $80 on NewEgg or Amazon gold box or something the other day. And yes, it was a Blu-Ray player, not a DVD player. I did a double-take.
  8. Definitely. Wishlist mode -- on; purchase mode -- engaged and ready to be deployed.
  9. Yeah, definitely give yourself a few days if you can. And sorry if I totally dominated this thread -- I am by no means an expert, and hope I didn't drive anyone else off who may know more than I. It's just that the topic material interests me.
  10. Well, 37Hz correlates to 15.27 ft (The same formula works both ways: freq == 565/feet; feet == 565/freq.), for whatever that's worth. If the closet doors are acoustically transparent, then you should get two peaks, one at (width of room), the other at (width of room + depth of closet). That'd be my theory, anyway. In reality, there's probably a bit of "both" going on -- some acoustic transparency, some reflection. Maybe even some absorption. The theory behind Ethan Winer's bass traps is that it absorbs some of the frequency on the way through, but then a significant amount more on the way back out (after reflecting on the wall behind it) -- which is where the tuning is. I'm almost wondering if there is an optimal place in your room to put something large, heavy, and solid (like at the halfway point?) that might help? Or is that where your speakers are? Maybe you should try putting them off center? Or at least angling them, perhaps? If nothing else, you'll learn something, even if it's an arrangement that you can't live with. PS You also want to measure the height, there's another mode there. It's usually taken care of by carpeting, but sometimes it's an issue. Heck, you may have just indirectly measured your room, if you find three primary modes.
  11. I know this is an awful thing to say, but here's to hoping he becomes a complete invalid before we have to endure his presence much longer.
  12. According to Ethan Winer's site, your resonances are at ~43Hz & ~40Hz (based on 13x14), which seems to be at least close to your findings. You ought to measure your room more carefully. If there's a mode at 565/(width of room + depth of closet) with the doors closed, then you'll know that the closet doors are acoustically transparent.
  13. Not necessarily.
  14. Firefly on Blu-Ray is on Gold box today for $40. Cheapest competition appears to be about $47-48.
  15. Will do.
  16. Yeah, especially with me -- I live in safe neighborhood, and I work in a safe place with my car in a monitored garage, so there's no "fear of my car being broken into" to suddenly kick in and remind me.
  17. I am reminded by this that I was going to boycott Monster Cable. Damn, I keep forgetting.
  18. WTF is going on in this thread? Where's the hate? Have you all died and been replaced by pod-people?
  19. I did, too. I'm tempted to do a rock version of portions of Schubert's "Die Frau Ohne Schatten", or, as I like to call it, "The Lady who hasn't had her shots".
  20. I'd be happy to, if you don't end up being talked into doing it yourself. I've jailbroken my iPhone 2ce now (1.4 and 2.2.1). (And when I say "I've jailbroken", I don't want to take too much credit -- I didn't figure it out, I just ran someone else's software.) There is always a lag between versions and jailbreaks -- sometimes they're longer than others. I suspect 3.0 will be non-trivial, so we'll have to watch for it. I monitor the jailbreaking community, so I can let you know.
  21. Well, it wasn't me, but I appreciate you posting it publicly, as it definitely interests me.
  22. Direct connectivity > tape adapter >> fm transmitter (Translation: it's still better than an FM transmitter, by far.)
  23. [devil's advocate]So what are you saying, that headphones are more resolving than speakers?[/devil's advocate]
  24. Hey! I like Jeff Lynne. See here for example. (And read the link in the link.)
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