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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. That just looks so wrong. He looks like he has great big Wile E. Coyote slippers on.
  2. The Django SACD, for example, is showing as 18.98, I'm pretty sure it was 5.98 earlier. All the Jarvi and Hiromi SACD's are full price, too. Either they bit off more than they could chew, or it was a typo. Either way, they fixed it. No big, I'm kind of relieved, I shouldn't be buying anything right now, anyway. Don't know how others feel about it, though, but that's their problem. I'd be curious if any of you who ordered have the orders canceled.
  3. Fuck. None of the titles that I can remember are still on sale. Was going to fill out my Paavo Jarvi collection, but none of the SACDs are to be sale priced, that I can find. Don't remember any of the jazz titles. Typo/data entry error? Some of the CD's didn't appear to be on sale, while the SACD's were -- that's the only thing upon which I base this.
  4. You might not be able to remove it if you do that.
  5. Of the ones I have on that list (a not insignificant fraction -- I believe I have all the Hiromi, and most of the Paavo Jarvi, as well as some others), those are GREAT FRIGGIN' PRICES.
  6. Those are nasty awesome.
  7. My cat says, "nice scratching post, I approve!"
  8. I'm a big fan of VPI, I say: dew et.
  9. Salmon Paisley from Pilin (I call it Paisley, but it's really basil and green beans.)
  10. Picsplzokthnxbye
  11. Moar Genesis -- bonus tracks that came with the 3rd/earliest box set. I love Talk Talk. But their best compilation is Introducing -- it's absolutely brilliant, because just by judiciously choosing tracks and paying special attention to sequencing, they make it sound like one band, despite them having two distinct eras (Party's Over/It's My Life/Colour of Spring/early and Spirit of Eden/Laughing Stock/late). Check it out if you can.
  12. Doh!
  13. Neither, it was Nong Shim (I looked it up) : Nong Shim Shin Noodle Ramyun, Gourmet Spicy Picante, 4.2-Ounce Packages (Pack of 20): Amazon.com: Grocery
  14. How the fuck do they know? A couple months ago, I got the Ramen that was on Gold Box (spicy something). Today, I have Prilosec on my personal choices ("Peter's Quick Picks"). I don't think I bought anything else that's edible from Amazon.
  15. (I was asking for verification, thanks for reading my intentions.) Done.
  16. I'd return it. My tea filters are seamless. Well, except at the seams. It's not like they're spheres.
  17. Want. You got?
  18. Au contraire, mon frere, maybe that's exactly the impression he's trying to give. (Shameless, fun-loving party animal?)
  19. How about I just rename this thread, since the OP's original question was answered?
  20. Chipotle Burrito -- this is quickly becoming my favorite fast food.
  21. Wouldn't that be the anti-Oz? UnOz, perhaps? !Oz?
  22. I'm not sure I understand your point. Sennheiser does not have a reputation for having flaws in their higher quality products, how could that have been predicted? Alright, there was that issue with the Orpheuses in the Jan Meier run, but didn't they take care of that? So if there's a reputation there, the reputation is to fix problems.
  23. If Tyll brought people from Headroom, they would have known how to handle other people's equipment. The biggest part of the horror story is the same as from any meet -- mishandled equipment. Given the precedent set by this guy suing other companies irrespective of whether or not they actually deserve it, in my mind that translates to treating all other non-Monster products the same -- I.E. with disdain. In fact, treating everyone else with disdain.
  24. And I'm thinking Star Trek when it comes out, if they get the transfer right.
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