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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. The Sunfire is a long-throw, so it still has displacement. Displacement is volume, not area. I would definitely do a Sunfire again (I used to have a True Sub Jr.). I also prefer the continuous phase, rather than a 0/180 switch. I don't know if the SVS that I am lusting after has a long throw driver -- that might throw me back into the Sunfire camp.
  2. You ever go by the meat market in Laurel on Main St.? I haven't been by there recently, so can't say if they are still so, but they used to be really good. (makes a mental note to swing by there next time)
  3. WIll finish the Beethoven later, just not in the mood, I guess. Skipping to: Haitink, Ravel, SACD
  4. Sweet. Thanks for the info, I'm-a gonna have to do the same thing with my Manley Stingray, looks like.
  5. Dusty Chalk

    Palm Pre

    What's the sound quality?
  6. Haitink's Beethoven symphony cycle via SACD -- sounds exactly "skew" to what the covers would suggest:
  7. Dusty Chalk

    Palm Pre

    Well, a lot of those aren't true multi-tasking. The iPhone can transfer information from one app to another like that (GPS location in maps to a URL in the browser, for example). The "keeping music playing" however, is true multi-tasking. And technically, the iPhone should be able to do it, since I've had background processes run on my iPhone. I think it's just that they don't allow apps to run in the background.
  8. You know, I'm going to change my answer -- just try it. Register for the free SDK, download it, and see if it can be figured out. It is a really good interface. And watch the video, where, during one of the meetings (WWDC? Town Hall?) they actually brought someone up on stage, and he developed something there, on the fly, in real time. I'll post a link, later. There's also some tutorial videos. But start by registering and downloading the SDK. I believe you have access to the iPhone emulator.
  9. You know, I bet they don't know.
  10. That sounds like it's coming from someone who has a natural inclination to program. And to someone like that, yes, it'd be straightforward, but I've met too many people who do not to believe this to always be the case. Some very bright people, too, it's not just lay-people. The way I word it is, one must be able to "think like a computer"...which will really only make sense to people to whom it will already make sense, so it's not very helpful.
  11. Dusty Chalk

    Palm Pre

    What rock have I been under? Somehow I missed that tidbit. Until now, that is.
  12. My hold is still there, but it hasn't been finalized, and I never got an email. I haven't received any packages yet, as of yesterday, but that just may have been too soon.
  13. But it doesn't make sense to use it in all cases. Parallel GPU's are even more specialized hardware than multiple cores.
  14. Dusty Chalk

    Palm Pre

    Wait, it's multi-tasking?!?!? My interest in it just shot up a notch.
  15. Why does this sound like a British movie I've seen? Is the show based on the movie? Loosely? (Like "Big Fat Greek Marriage" was loosely based on "Big Fat Greek Wedding".) I don't remember the husband dying in the movie, but the rest sounds...similar. Or is it just such a good premise that they reused it for the show? Trying to remember the name of the movie. Woman was a botanist. Inadvertantly helps some guys grow the plants well, out of sheer "this is what I do"-ness. Anyone? EDIT: Looks like it might be Saving Grace.
  16. No prior programming experience? None, whatsoever? I have a feeling it'll be an exercise in futility. I'm not sure what to tell people like that. I mean, how much inclination does this person have to program anyway? If they're pretty good programmers who just haven't started programming yet (I.E. all potential), then yeah, maybe. The IDE is really good, one of the best I've seen. Show me a sample of their pseudo-code, then I'll tell you.
  17. Looks like the unlock is on Friday...? Looks like the jailbreak is going to be right on top of the 3.0 release. link
  18. Different analog output stages?
  19. x2 -- congratulations on "elevated from homelessness" status!
  20. The look isn't that different. Maybe "Apollo Mk 2" == "Isis"?
  21. This is really important -- I was listening to a Xiang Sheng amp, and really liked the punchiness of the sound. Figured out later that it was distorting, so indirectly compressing. Of course, once I heard it, decided I didn't like it so much, but I need to learn how to listen for it critically.
  22. Is Nurse Jackie any good? For some reason, that exchange they show in the preview in the theaters is one of the funniest things to me: Woman: (babbling) Jackie: Can I ask you a question? Woman: Yes. Jackie: Shut up.
  23. Hawt pictures. And that also means you don't need to swap out your supertweeter cables every time you listen to a different type of source, right? Double-plus-sweet!
  24. No! You must DIY your own enclosure. Out of spare hangers, sawdust, and duct tape!
  25. Cool. I dug Bad Plus, I'll check these guys out.
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