The Stax SR-001Mk2 is also completely open, forgot about that one. And sound quality is excellent. Downside is the fit necessary to get good sound is fiddly.
No, the thing I didn't like about Evanescence wasn't Amy Lee, it was the lack of melody in the music, so I don't think I'll be checking this out.
Heck, I didn't even know they had broken up.
Sony MDR-7506/-V6
- Pretty good sound quality without an external amp, if a bit bright
- Isolates ... somewhat
- Fairly well made (not a tank like the Beyer DT770, but the DT770 isolates too much)
- < US$100, so if it gets broken, won't be heartbroken
- Folds
Wait, when did you get it working? Did I miss something, again?
PS Burled headphones == the hotness.
But you should stay away from woodying the K1000's. MHO.
My cat woke me up at 3. Went for a walk; ran the dishwasher; put the dishes away; installed window air conditioner in room; showered, all before 9 a.m.
Went and saw a movie, lounged at B&N.
I had sushi pie earlier. I know that sounds like a euphemism, but it's not -- it was a great big sloppy helping of spicy tuna sushi meat on sushi rice in a bowl, with avocado and cucumber toppings. Good noms. "Don"