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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Excuse me for laughing at you, then, but sounds like you need to buy a pre-built system.
  2. Forgot to mention (and now we're halfway through), but NewEgg is having a 48 hour sale with free shipping on many "entry level" (read: <US$100) cases. Use promotion code "EMCCASEFS" (without the quotes); link. (Let me know if the link doesn't work, I took my email address off of it.)
  3. You know, "beer" is "organic chemistry". You are what you read; you are what you drink.
  4. Well, no, it's still digital, in that it's binary data. The point of I2S is to separate out the word clock, and there's still the concept of clocking with DSD, so I2S could easily be modified to carry DSD data, but it'd otherwise be the same, and have the same limitations. However, luvdunhill's other issues of not wanting to complicate matters with a buffer and/or amp are, of course, more limiting. And I doubt I'd get around to it first.
  5. I never even heard of that movie.
  6. It's still a form of digital. Yeah, that's why I wrote "...bandwidth-appropriate...".
  7. Jesus, still?!?!? That sucks. They owe you.
  8. Never heard of them before? Really?
  9. The title track with Mike Oldfield is one of my all-time favorites. Just hearing the word "downwind" gets that ...what is it, a xylophone? vibraphone? ...anyway, it gets that vibraphone riff stuck in my head.
  10. Wouldn't it be alright to stick a buffer and a bandwidth-appropriate amplifier in there?
  11. 6 pounds of disks came in
  12. No, there's also genetics. But I guess most of those us have died.
  13. QFT -- in fact, one can even get used to low salt diets, once you drain your body of excess salt. It's like quitting smoking. You just have to get used to it. You know how people who listen to classical music think all pop/rock music sounds the same? And people who listen to pop/rock music think that all classical music sounds the same? It's the same thing with salinity and spiciness. People who eat spicy food think all non-spicy food tastes the same, and people who eat low-salt foods think all salty foods taste the same. But you can get used to anything, and start to taste the variety within a range with anything.
  14. I actually really like chicken. And brown rice. Yum.
  15. I have found that I am happier when I'm not completely out of shape. And in my case, heart disease runs in the family (dad died at the age of 57), so 20 years off the end of my life could mean I'm dead tomorrow -- yesterday, even -- and that prospect is, indeed, a big turn-off. There's fit, and there's "not completely out of shape". The CFS I went through several years ago (going on a decade, now) could largely be attributed to being significantly out of shape.
  16. Thought it was pretty clear he was just extrapolating Murphy's Law. The rest of you ==> -10 pts. reading comprehension. EDIT: Grawk beat me by seconds, and also attributed to Murphy's Law -- awesome.
  17. Hey, let me know if you need anyone to watch your pets when you go out of town.
  18. To answer my own question, I contacted them, and they responded with (paraphrasing), "currently, 16/44.1; planned, 24/96/studio masters". So I'll be keeping an eye on them.
  19. Prokofiev, Queen of Spades/On Guard for Peace, Jarvi
  20. 48kHz -- yeezh. Even the M-Audio manages 24/96.
  21. Is this reverse-psychology advertising?
  22. So I was trying to look up a recent purchase -- Prokofiev "premiere" recording of Queen of Spades with On Guard for Piece -- and I wandered over to their website which led me to their online store, which appears to sell (in British Pounds Sterling) lossless audio. Anyone know what resolution theirs are at? I see "24/96" on the corresponding CD page of most recordings that interest me, but the CD's are obviously not 24/96, and I see nothing on the audio download page.
  23. 2 way design with two woofers? Never mind, I can look it up myself. I do find the tweeter placement pleasant. Oh, and: hawt!
  24. I think that was a reference to this sentence -- the (as yet) fictitious new Sony:
  25. Lara St. John, Vivaldi & Piazzolla's Four Seasonses on SACD
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