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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Nagra
  2. In my gold box today, for some reason I have this: [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Contech-Electronics-CRO101-Scarecrow-Motion-Activated/dp/B000071NUS]Amazon.com: Contech Electronics CRO101 Scarecrow Motion-Activated Sprinkler: Home Improvement[/ame] Look at the customer images -- it'll scare away rabbits, cats, dogs, deer, dinosaurs, Godzilla...even Death itself.
  3. That's not a problem -- I'm actually hoping it really is a good amp.
  4. Well, yeah...if you're going to ween us unto your presence by posting weird-ass shit...I think that'll be just fine. And Deepak -- new Portugal the Man? (wanders off, blah blah blah...) EDIT: Hilarious, we're number one!
  5. Well...there goes your quiet.
  6. You know, someone once defined the difference between an "adult" and someone who is not as, the adult will receive criticism, disregard the messenger, and decide for himself if the criticism is appropriate or not, and then do with the information what is appropriate. I.E. if something is broken, fix it, irregardless of whether or not the complainant is a whiny bitch or a polite individual. That would be like someone complaining that cable reversed polarity and the cable-maker saying that there is room for interpretation on what defines "cable". Ultra:palm:. That's actually a good point. Perhaps he should be reported to the USB police?
  7. Videogon does not forget that you exist.
  8. I thought you got her a Tiguan?
  9. Thanks Deepak, I was feeling guilty for polluting the HD800 thread.
  10. Obviously you love driving them, you keep going back, despite problems. Congrats, Dan. I actually had my eye on a Jetta Wagon TDI until diesel prices stayed high last year.
  11. Sometimes, in my sleep, I bite the inside of my cheek. However, that's about the extent of my contributions toward a support group.
  12. Thanks for posting this. Indeed, my first question was, "WTF?" So thanks for answering that right off the bat.
  13. You dismiss science on a daily basis. Is not the difference between green and red sufficiently striking that a double-blind test is unnecessary? Do you double-blind every single decision you make? Have you ever double-blind tested the difference between your favorite flavor of ice cream with your second favorite flavor of ice cream to truly ensure that your favorite is, indeed, your favorite? That's what you're suggesting. And I will readily admit that my statement is not true in the general sense -- I was actually thinking about one instance of two pairs of cables. The difference between them was sufficiently audible for my purposes that I didn't feel a double-blind test was necessary. I'm sure that, to this day, I could pick one out in a double-blind test 100% of the time. (And yes, I'll bring them when we meet, if I end up coming. And you can dismiss science all weekend long by eschewing listening to music and drinking instead.) So yeah, maybe I should have made my statement in the past completive. But that's all you're getting out of me, Mr. Decaf.
  14. I'm all for experiments. Just (a) too lazy to do them myself, and ( think the differences are sufficiently striking that double blind tests are unnecessary.
  15. Mahler, Zander, SACD, Telarc No clicks yet (I'll be listening to my Telarc SACD's first).
  16. Thanks. I've got the image of Spongebob Squarepants boxers and reading that statement at the same time.
  17. The statements that assume it is undisputed that cables do not make a difference are just as bothering.
  18. Oh, okay, yeah, pretty much all current DAC chips can do 24/96 (isn't that what you said?), I see what you're saying now.
  19. Looks like at 6 p.m. PDT/9 p.m. EDT on gold box, there's going to be something Charlie Parker -related. I'm thinking it's going to be the boxset.
  20. Yeah, that album sounds great. Let me know if the new one sounds as good -- their last couple haven't.
  21. Or you could hire someone to put it together for you. Okay, now I'm laughing with you.
  22. In Jimmy's defense, I am a believer in cable materials, and I find the term "stupid" insulting. And even before I heard differences for myself, there is a lot of literature catering to those of us who want to believe, I don't think it's necessarily stupidity which causes us to fall for it. From the skeptics' perspective, "gullibility" might be more appropriate term. The veiled threat was uncalled for, though, Jimmy, I ain't defending that.
  23. Actually, I've seen a couple come out that don't -- surprisingly. (HRT MusicStreamer being the one example I can think of -- I think the other was on here [head-case] somewhere.) So the ONE can't? Fail. I'll pass. Too bad it's black.
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