You dismiss science on a daily basis. Is not the difference between green and red sufficiently striking that a double-blind test is unnecessary? Do you double-blind every single decision you make? Have you ever double-blind tested the difference between your favorite flavor of ice cream with your second favorite flavor of ice cream to truly ensure that your favorite is, indeed, your favorite? That's what you're suggesting.
And I will readily admit that my statement is not true in the general sense -- I was actually thinking about one instance of two pairs of cables. The difference between them was sufficiently audible for my purposes that I didn't feel a double-blind test was necessary. I'm sure that, to this day, I could pick one out in a double-blind test 100% of the time. (And yes, I'll bring them when we meet, if I end up coming. And you can dismiss science all weekend long by eschewing listening to music and drinking instead.)
So yeah, maybe I should have made my statement in the past completive. But that's all you're getting out of me, Mr. Decaf.